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PRESS RELEASE. July 21, 2022 from Granada Community Services District
650-726-7093 [email protected]
Proposed Disc Golf Course at CUSD Sonora-Sevilla-Coral Reef Property – Public Comment Requested
The Granada Community Services District (GCSD) Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) has proposed a new disc golf course in the Sonora-Sevilla-Coral Reef area of El Granada. The proposal is summarized below, and the full proposal can be found at
The GCSD Board has authorized the PAC to collect community feedback regarding the proposed disc golf course in El Granada.
If you would like to provide feedback, see, email [email protected], or call (650) 726-7093 M-F. We appreciate your feedback by August 12.
Proposed Disc Golf Course Site
Disc Golf Proposal Summary
Disc golf can provide a great complement to the other recreational experiences on the Coastside, particularly activities which provide healthy, affordable fun for younger and older community members.
No near-by courses exist, while there is substantial demand for disc golf by HMB High students (the high school offers a disc golf PE class) and local enthusiasts.
The PAC believes the “Sonora-Sevilla-Coral Reef” (SSCR) property, currently owned by the Cabrillo Unified School District, would be ideal for a 12-hole disc golf course, and we would like feedback from the nearby neighbors and the whole GCSD community.
We expect the proposed course to have no impact on existing recreational use of the property, such as dog walkers, walkers and bicyclists. Existing trees and shrubs will persist as they have in the past; no irrigation or maintenance is required.
Patrick Tierney, PAC vice chair, said “The proposed course actually may enhance the look and feel of the SSCR area by discouraging encampments, reducing overgrown non-native species and increasing community stewardship for this space.”
Construction and maintenance costs are reasonable and will be reduced through the use of committed volunteers. Comments would be helpful if received by August 12, 2022.
Sonora-Sevilla Disc Golf Course Proposal
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More on Disc Golf on Coastside Buzz
CUSD Sonora-Sevilla-Coral Reef Property Map
GCSD Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) Forms Disc Golf Subcommittee to Explore Locations with Public
VIDEO. From the Granada Community Services District (GCSD) Director’s meeting on Thursday, January 20th, 2022 at 7:30pm by Zoom.
Disc Golfers showed up by Zoom to explain how Disc Golf works.
Disc Golf is already taught as a rotation in the Cabrillo Unified School District’s (CUSD) Physical Education program
How to Play
There are innumerable ways to throw a golf disc – and, indeed, the creative possibilities presented with each shot are a big part of the sport’s charm. The most popular throwing technique in disc golf is the backhand throw. The backhand is what most people think of when they think of throwing a Frisbee.
There are many excellent tutorials for beginning throwers on YouTube. Here are a few of our favorites:
Nate Sexton, 2016 United States Disc Golf Champion- Beginner Tutorial
Merle Witvoet, PDGA/EDGE awardee for Excellence in Disc Golf Education- Shot Terminology
Paul McBeth, 5x World Champion- 5 Approach Tips
Jay ‘Yeti’ Reading, Hall of Fame member- Principles of Driving
Paige Pierce, 5x World Champion- Distance Tips for Beginners
Fieldtrip! Where to go try it?
DeLaveaga 29-Hole, 2 Mile Disc Golf Course in Santa Cruz
Granada Community Services District (GCSD) Meetings ~ 3rd Thursday @ 7:30pm

Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.
Granada Community Services District (GCSD) Agendas and Zoom Links
Granada Community Services District (GCSD) PCTV Videos
The District is responsible for parks, recreation, garbage and recycling services in the unincorporated areas of El Granada, Princeton, Princeton-by-the-Sea, Clipper Ridge, and Miramar.
GCSD Regular Board Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm in the District’s meeting room, and are normally shown on Pacific Coast TV (PCT) (Cable channel 27) at 6:00 am on Wednesday and at 11:00 am Saturday following the meeting (but check the schedule as show times can vary).
Mission Statement
To protect public health and safety, preserve our environment, and maintain fiscal soundness by providing high quality service for wastewater, solid waste collection, recycling, and serving the community’s needs for parks and recreation, through responsible operations and management.
The Granada Sanitary District was formed in 1958 under the California Sanitary District Act of 1923. In October of 2014, the District was reorganized as the Granada Community Services District under California Government Code 61000 et seq. The District is responsible for parks, recreation, garbage and recycling services in the unincorporated areas of El Granada, Princeton, Princeton-by-the-Sea, Clipper Ridge, and Miramar. The District is also responsible for the sewage collection system and disposal for approximately 2,500 residences and businesses in these same unincorporated areas as well as the northern portion of the City of Half Moon Bay. Garbage and recycling services are provided by Recology of the Coast under a franchise agreement with the Granada Community Services District.
The District office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and is located on the third floor of 504 Avenue Alhambra, El Granada. To contact the District please call (650) 726-7093. Regular board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m.
Board of Directors
Board members serve four year terms, and are elected on a staggered two year basis in even numbered years. Board members receive $145 per meeting as compensation for their service on the board.
Board of Directors
Matthew Clark – President
Eric Suchomel – Vice President
Barbara Dye – Director
David Seaton – Director
Nancy Marsh – Director
Board members serve four year terms, and are elected on a staggered two year basis in even numbered years. Board members receive $145 per meeting as compensation for their service on the board.
General Manager: Chuck Duffy, Dudek & Associates
Assistant General Manager: Delia Comito
Legal Counsel: William Parkin, Wittwer Parkin LLP
District Engineer: John Rayner, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants
Administrative Assistant: Nora Mayen
Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside
The Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) is a Joint Powers Authority created by an agreement between the Granada Sanitary District, the Montara Sanitary District, and the City of Half Moon Bay in 1976. The agreement called for the creation of the Authority to build and operate a commonly owned sewer treatment plant for the benefit of all three agencies. All sewage generated by the three agencies is pumped and piped to the treatment plant for treatment and eventual disposal. For more information on SAM, please visit their website at
Links to previous GCSD meetings’ videos.
The Granada Community Services District (GCSD), formerly the Granada Sanitary District, gained park and recreational jurisdiction on October 1, 2014, for the unincorporated areas of El Granada, Miramar and Princeton (i.e. the “GCSD Community”) by a positive vote of 60% of the voters in the District. This reorganization allows the district to provide parks and recreation services in addition to the sewer, solid waste and recycling services it currently provides to over 2,500 residences and businesses in the District as well as the northern portion of the City of Half Moon Bay. Solid waste and recycling services are provided by Recology of the Coast under a franchise agreement with GCSD.
The parks and recreation function is funded by utilizing a portion of GCSD’s share of San Mateo County property tax revenues, not from sewer charges. GCSD’s goal is to provide parks and recreation services that benefit the GCSD community, with a commitment to robust neighborhood outreach on new projects.
Granada Parks Advisory Committee (PAC) Agenda

GCSD owns the undeveloped “Burnham Strip” property along Obispo Street between Coronado Street and Avenue Alhambra in El Granada, which may be developed as an El Granada gateway park.
Additional potential park areas are a small GCSD-owned parcel on Capistrano Road in Princeton and the road medians in El Granada. GCSD and SMC completed a Permit Agreement in February 2018 which allows the District to make improvements to the El Granada Medians. GCSD may implement landscaping, seating, and active and passive recreational improvements on these properties, following an open and transparent community outreach process and all required permit and environmental review processes.