Coastside CERT Is Now Sponsored, Funded and ACTIVATED!
ANNOUNCEMENT. From the desk of Coastside CERT… Please take a moment to read this important message from Fire Battalion Chief…
Baseline Journalism. Click, Learn, Think, Act, Vote…
ANNOUNCEMENT. From the desk of Coastside CERT… Please take a moment to read this important message from Fire Battalion Chief…
LINK. The Complete 2018-19 Draft Land Use Plan is Available for Public Review and Comment At the July 30 Planning…
ARTICLE/ LINKS/ VIDEO. The San Mateo County Planning Commission today (Wed. August 28th, 2019) voted 5-0 that the SFPUC’s new…
ARTICLE/ LINK. I spoke with SFPUC, Betsy Rhodes, and Natural Resources and Lands Management Division Manager, Tim Ramirez, Friday afternoon,…
VIDEO. CHECK OUT THE SLIDE! City Council meeting 7/16/19 on Carter Park Plans. Survey results were best ever for the…
On Tuesday July, 9 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Coastal Development Permit, Architectural Review, and Setback…
VIDEO. The path design is for a 12′ wide trail, with 8 feet of asphalt and 2 feet of crushed…
VIDEO. At this study session, staff will present an overview of several new draft sections of the Land Use Plan…
VIDEO. San Mateo County Office of Sustainability presents the new Disposal Foodware Ordinance. Some Numbers: 1.3 million pounds of trash…
POWERPOINT. Download the Powerpoint and share! Email the City Staff, City Planning Dept. and/or City Council if you have questions…