What Happened When the Wind Died near Coyote Point? 20 Kiteboarders were Rescued by USCG, SSFFD, and SMCo Harbor District

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VIDEO and STAFF REPORT. From the San Mateo County Harbor District Commissioners meeting on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 at 10:00am, as a hybrid meeting.


Rescue on Thursday, August 17th, 2023 (Incident Description)

Deputy Harbor Master Pemberton and Harbor Master Smith heard a Pan-Pan over channel 16 regarding 20 victims in the water off Coyote Point Marina.


DHM Pemberton and HM Smith prepared the Challenger to depart. South San Francisco Fire Department (Station 62) met us at the vessel and had 3 personnel depart with us.


HM Smith notified Coast Guard over channel 16 that we were responding to the scene.

The rescue vessel Challenger arrived on scene at 1648.

We started our grid search when we saw kites drifting in the wind.

We searched for victims and retrieved a kite; the Coast Guard was notified of the color and type of kite.

We continued our search with an expanding square search pattern when the Coast Guard notified us that all victims were accounted for.

Redwood City Fire Dept. then transferred a second kite that they retrieved to our vessel.

We returned to OPM at 1745.

HM Smith received an email the following day from an individual whose kite had been recovered:

“Dear Jim,

I am writing to express my profound appreciation for the impeccable response and leadership shown by you and your team, in collaboration with the San Mateo Fire Department and Coast Guard, during yesterday’s water rescue at Bay Winds Park.


With the forecast suggesting a typical windy day in San Mateo, many of us were caught offguard when the wind unexpectedly ceased around 3PM. Given the circumstances, over 20 kiteboarders, windsurfers, and wing foilers, including myself, found ourselves stranded, some of us far out in the channel.


The seamless coordination among the teams involved was nothing short of exemplary. It was evident that the well-being of each individual was the top priority, and the subsequent retrieval of our gear further attested to the thoroughness and dedication of all the teams involved.


On a personal note, I took the difficult decision to detach from my kite and swim back to shore. The relief I felt when your team safely recovered my equipment was immeasurable. Moreover, your personal commitment, being available beyond your closing hours to ensure I could pick up my kite and bar from the boat, is a testament to your dedication and professionalism.


Jim, your exemplary service and the efficiency of your team not only ensured our safety but also cemented trust in the vital services provided by the Harbor Master’s office. I firmly believe that such dedicated work deserves recognition at the highest levels. I hope that this account of events can be shared with relevant authorities to emphasize the importance and effectiveness of your department.


Thank you once again for your tireless efforts and outstanding service.

Warm regards, Robert U.”






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San Mateo County Harbor District Board Meetings ~ 3rd Wednesday @ 10:00am.  (NEW TIME)


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Author: mdrag
