Want to Know About the LCP BUILDOUT PLANS for Half Moon Bay? Latest Update from Jill Ekas, City HMB

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VIDEO.  At this study session, staff will present an overview of several new draft sections of the Land Use Plan Update, including:

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction and Framework
  • Appendix A – History of Local Coastal Program Amendments and Coastal Commission Coastal Development Permit Appeals
  • Appendix B – Buildout Projections
  • Glossary
  • List of Acronyms

20 Year Projections:

  • 2,236 more houses built projected in the next 20 years.
  • Note there are only 840 uninstalled non-priority water connections available.
  • Only 17 jobs will be created in the next 20 years.

Update Response from Jill Ekas, Community Development Director, City of HMB.

Hi Coastside Buzz:  Thank you for letting everyone know about the new material that’s been coming forward in Half Moon Bay’s Local Coastal Program (LCP) update. We wanted to clarify a couple things for your readers and hope this helps:

First of all, the plan is in a public review draft phase before the Planning Commission. These buildout estimates are for the draft plan as it is right now. Folks should expect changes which might affect the buildout calculations.

For the LCP Plan buildout, 2,236 units is for the maximum theoretical buildout. Estimating a maximum theoretical buildout is an exercise in determining the extreme case scenario which is required by the Coastal Act. It is not anticipated to occur, and there is no determined timeline. It is not a 2040 buildout estimate. The 2040 build-out estimate is 749 units (about 36 units per year) which is roughly equivalent to a 0.5 percent annual population growth, conforming to the City’s Measure D limit. At that, staff believes that this estimate is a bit high. But we model high to make sure that infrastructure needs are identified.

Note that maximum theoretical buildout of 2,236 units in the draft LCP update is much lower than the maximum theoretical buildout of the existing certified LCP (staff’s detailed evaluation of the 1996 Land Use Plan estimated 3,635 units).

Regarding the jobs numbers, City staff is not satisfied with this part of our modeling and will have better numbers for that soon. We discussed this with the Planning Commission in open session.

Again, City staff appreciate Coastside Buzz helping get the word out about this important policy work. The City encourages participation, and the Planning Commission is eager to hear from everyone! [email protected]

Video from Planning Commission Study Session on the Local Coastal Land Use Plan: Tuesday, June 25, 2019, 7 pm

Staff will also present an overview of initial work completed on Chapter 3: Public Works, and initial feedback from Coastal Commission staff on the draft LUP Update.
The agenda and staff report are available online


Author: mdrag
