Tune in to KHMB’s Talk-Show “Coastal Windage” with Amy Fothergill, Gluten-free Chef and Author of “The Warm Kitchen”

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PODCAST. From Coastal Windage on October 14th, 2022.

The return of the Half Moon Bay Art and Pumpkin Festival;

The Brightside of Traffic considers the Coast Skyway proposal;

“Shooting the Breeze” live interview with local artisan baker and gluten-free guru Amy Fothergill.

Her interview starts at 45:12.



The Warm Kitchen Cookbook

The Warm Kitchen is a cookbook perfect for anyone who loves to cook for their friends and family. The fact that it’s gluten-free…well, that’s just icing on the cake!

The Warm Kitchen is filled with gluten-free recipes anyone can make and everyone will love.


Amy’s Gluten-Free Story

My gluten-free journey started when my daughter was about 13 months old. She had developed eczema, something no one in our families had had before. It progressively got worse and she spent many nights, scratching her legs. It is very hard to see your child suffer and feel like nothing is helping. I was extremely frustrated. After trying traditional steroid creams (which were not effective) and testing her for allergies, she was tested for food sensitivities at 20 months old.

The report came back with over 15 food sensitivities, including dairy, gluten, and eggs. I was devastated! For about a month, I was really in a funk. How was I going to feed my baby? It was completely overwhelming, even for me, who loved to cook and had a background in culinary arts. My friends kept saying, “If anyone can do this, you can.”

When this happened in 2007, the available recipes and products were less than appetizing. If I did not like them, how could I expect her to eat them? I knew I had to tackle it head on and teach myself. This journey into a gluten-free lifestyle began about the same time I launched my own business as a cooking instructor/consultant. Six months later, I started incorporating gluten-free into my offerings. Two years later, I decided to try it for myself and found the results positive. A year later, after finding my son had a gluten sensitivity as well, we became a gluten-free household. Now my daughter is on a gluten and dairy free diet only; her eczema is finally under control. My son’s digestion significantly improved along with my own and my husband’s.

My observations are that in order to have good results with gluten-free cooking and baking, you still have to apply proper cooking techniques. But at the same time, many people, including myself, are very busy, so complicated recipes are a big turnoff. My recipes are easy, with simple instructions, and produce delicious results. This is why I wrote this cookbook.

There’s no greater joy for me than to see people take pleasure in my creations. Since people on a gluten-free diet are often denied good tasting food, seeing their reactions when I serve them my gluten-free madeleines, focaccia, and whole grain bread really makes my day.

I truly hope this book will change the way you might feel about gluten-free cooking and baking. It might be a change and a challenge, but it is manageable. Enjoy the recipes, and welcome to the warm kitchen.


The Coastside’s only live, call-in talk radio show, Coastal Windage features Coastside issues, hot topics, and live comments from Coastsiders in real time.


Link to Coastal Windage on KHMB


Finally, the people of the Coastside have an opportunity to participate in their own community.





The Coastside’s only live, call-in talk radio show, Coastal Windage features Coastside issues, hot topics, and live comments from Coastsiders in real time. Finally, the people of the Coastside have an opportunity to participate in their own community.

Host Reuben TruthMaker offers a curated and encouraging forum for discussion while regaling listeners with informed, entertaining, and insightful takes on a full spectrum of topics.

This is not a platform for endless arguing and posturing.

This is free-range thinking applied to local issues and daily lives with expansive, explorative discussion.

No dogma, no entrenched positions, no talking points or political agendas — just two Coastsiders with the time and curiosity to dive deep and go anywhere.


To be on the show

listen from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Fridays

Call 650.560.9851


You can also email Reuben and Sandy Brightside with your comments at [email protected].


Reuben Truthmaker

A 20-year resident of El Granada, Reuben TruthMaker is a dedicated husband, dad, coach, community volunteer, and creative professional. He is also a confirmed cynic, a notable futurist, and a passionate iconoclast forever seeking the greater good. Voted “Most Likely to Wear a Tin Foil Hat” during his senior year of high school, Truth loves a good conspiracy theory. Humor him.


Sandy Brightside


Independent-minded Sandy Brightside is a multigenerational reincarnated Coastsider who remembers when the railroad (the railroad for heaven’s sake!) planned to bring wealthy San Franciscans to their newly built “summer homes” in El Granada.

Despite her busy life as a published multibook author, teacher, parent (of teens no less!), wife, dog-owner, wellness advocate, and newly minted “Community Cougar” for the Half Moon Bay High School football team, Sandy looks forward to filling the big, sparkly shoes of Livvy Streetwise as the new co-host of “Coastal Windage,” radio truth-chatting with Reuben, and connecting with her Coastside neighbors.

Sandy is never one to ignore a Batwoman signal in the sky, so if you’ve got something on your mind, give her a call!


Past Co-hosts

Livvy Streetwise

Livvy and her family have lived here on the coast for 15 years and look forward to the next 15! She is an active volunteer in the community, occasional coach for her child’s soccer team, and champion of good vibes. As a ‘foil’ to Reuben’s cynicism, Livvy tries to look on the bright side of the issues, however, she has been known on many occasions, to break out the ol’ soapbox, asking “why the heck can’t we all just get along”??? (Retired 5/2022)

Author: mdrag
