Why Are Microgrids With Smaller Wastewater Treatment Plants Essential for Sustainable Community Survival?
WHITE PAPER. By Rinaldo Veseliza, Environmental Architect. I live in Half Moon Bay, a beautiful small town on the Pacific…
Baseline Journalism. Click, Learn, Think, Act, Vote…
WHITE PAPER. By Rinaldo Veseliza, Environmental Architect. I live in Half Moon Bay, a beautiful small town on the Pacific…
VIDEO. Montara Sanitary and Water District’s (MSWD) General Manager, Clemens Heldmaier, presents a virtual tour of the MSWD infrastructure and…
VIDEO and POWERPOINT. They are using the backup digester, in the mean time. The digester before cleaning. Rags, wipes,…
VIDEO and POWERPOINT. Sewer Authority Mid-Coast Collection Contract Services Budget Review with: More on >>> Coastside County Water District More…
VIDEO. Meeting for 5/11/2020. Discuss Proposed Revised General Budget for Fiscal Year 2020- 21 and Authorize the General Manager to…
VIDEO. SAM Agenda: General Manager Report for the 2020-2021 Budget 4/27/2020 Discuss proposed General Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-21 and…
VIDEOS. Flushable Wipes need to be trashed! What is FOG? Fats Oils and Grease Cause Clogs. Cool it and…
VIDEO. Public Service Announcement from Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM). SAM Director, Rick Lohman, speaks to the “flushable wipes” problem. They…
VIDEO. Granda Community Services District Director, Barbara Dye, reports (she is also the GCSD representative on the SAM board). Sewer…
VIDEO. Heidi Sanborne of the National Stewardship Action Council (NSAC) asks the Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) Board to fund ($1,000)…