Pillar Point RV Park ~ New Bathroom Plans Presented at the HMB Planning Meeting

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On Tuesday July, 9 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Coastal Development Permit, Architectural Review, and Setback Variance for a new restroom project and other improvements at Pillar Point RV Park. The project is located on property owned by the San Mateo County Harbor District at 4000 Cabrillo Highway North.

Planning Commission Public Hearing
Tuesday, July 9, 7:00 p.m.
EOC, 537 Kelly Avenue
At this meeting the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing, consider community input, and deliberate for the purpose of making decisions on the project.This project addresses the existing RV Park layout and operations and includes the construction of a new public restroom facility with three all-gender stalls, an outdoor shower, drinking fountains, benches, minor realignment of the Coastal Trail to provide additional buffer from the adjacent shoreline, public parking reconfiguration, and the addition of ADA parking spaces.
The Planning Commission previously hosted a study session regarding this project in January 2019, and the San Mateo County Harbor District held a board meeting in June to hear additional community input and confirm design direction. Both meetings were open to the public, broadly noticed, and televised.
The community is encouraged to attend, learn more about this project and share their input. The agenda and staff report for this public hearing are available online.

Powerpoint presentation of the San Mateo County Harbor Commission June 19th, 6:30pm, second floor of 504 Avenue Alhambra, in El Granada.

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.coastsidebuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/2019_06_19_RV_Lot_Restroom-preferred-alternative.pdf” title=”2019_06_19_RV_Lot_Restroom preferred alternative”]



Here is a link to a 1/8/2019 City of Half Moon Bay Study Session on Pillar Point RV Park Public RestroomProject, Coastal Development Permit.
Without a bathroom at this location, beachgoers have a long walk in order to reach the next nearest public facilities at a Miramar trailhead to the south or closer to boat docks in the harbor to the north.


Many think the existing bathroom has a washer and dryer.  Photo above was taken when Leonard Woren (Granada Sanitary District) was meeting with Keet Neerhan and Jim Tucker about view blocking trees.

Upon investigation by Half Moon Bay City Manager, Bob Nisbet, there is actually a working bathroom there.

However, Lisa Ketcham, who used to be on the Mid-Coast Community Council for many years, says the bathroom is so old that you would practically have to start over.






Author: mdrag
