Montara Water and Sanitary District’s General Manager Reports A Wet Start to 2023 with Many Rain Impacts

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NEWSLETTER. From General Manager, Clemens Heldmaier, of the Montara Water and Sanitary District for February/March 2023

Heavy rains on December 31st and into early January brought numerous challenges to our community. As residents dealt with the loss of power, internet and cellular services, treacherous winds and travel conditions, MWSD and Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) staff were working throughout the severe weather to address storm damage and keep our vital systems functional.


We thank our crews who gave so much of their time to help our community during this emergency.


Impacts at Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside On December 31st, the SAM plant in Half Moon Bay – which treats sewage from Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Miramar, Princeton Harbor and Half Moon Bay – saw a flash flood from Pilarcitos Creek enter the plant. Water from the creek flooded the parking areas, plant buildings, and treatment processes.


As crews worked to stabilize the plant and save critical equipment and processes, SAM shutoff their Montara and Portola Pump Stations to halt flows in the Intertie Pipeline, relying on SAM’s 400,000 gallon Walker Wet Weather Storage Tank in Montara. Pilarcitos Creek quickly receded, and the Pump Stations were back online but rain-soaked sewage flows from Half Moon Bay continued to overwhelm the SAM plant.


With storage and the Intertie full and nowhere to go, flows backed up and spilled into creeks and the ocean. These Sanitary Sewer Overflows occurred throughout the coastside in MWSD, Granada Community Services District, and Half Moon Bay. The Montara Forcemain alone developed four leaks as pumped sewage met bottlenecks from Half Moon Bay in the south. To temporarily transport flows, an aboveground bypass pipe was quickly installed to allow critical forcemain repairs.


Reoccurring power losses also caused failed pumps and other components throughout the system requiring frequent fixes or resets. Both the water and sewer systems utilize generators to maintain services during power blackouts. Our MWSD operators ensured water delivery throughout these storms.


With numerous electrical components and pumps damaged in the SAM plant and system, SAM staff diligently repaired and replaced equipment to ensure sewer treatment could continue. MWSD and SAM staff continue to gather details on the causes of flood flows, damage and costs, and coordinate to ensure cost recovery.


We thank each of you for all your hard, hard work.



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Agendas and Zoom Live Meeting Links

If you experience technical difficulties or have technical questions prior to or during the meeting, please contact MWSD’s IT support at (650) 728-7843.

Meeting Videos


Meeting Schedule:

Regular meetings are 7:30pm on the first and third Thursday of each month. They used to held at the District office at 8888 Cabrillo Hwy, next to Pt Montara Lighthouse and Hostel.

To receive agendas by email, send a request to [email protected]

In addition to email, we post agendas before each board meeting:

  • On the District website here
  • Montara post office
  • Moss Beach post office
  • the bulletin board in front of the MWSD office


Who is on the Board of Directors?

The Board of Directors manages the affairs of the District. Through their bi-monthly meetings they set policy, enact appropriate resolutions or ordinances, approve all payments to vendors, review and approve the budget, set Sewer Service Charge rates, establish connection charges, hire staff, approve contracts and other necessary actions needed to carry out the business of the District.


Scott Boyd — President Term 2020-2024
Ric Lohman — President Pro Tem Term 2022-2026
Peter Dekker — Treasurer Term 2020-2026
Kathryn Slater-Carter — Secretary Term 2020-2024
Bill Softky — Director Term 2022-2026


All Board members may be reached by sending an email to [email protected].

Or writing the District office at: Montara Water and Sanitary District, P.O. Box 370131, Montara, CA 94037. Telephone: (650)728-3545; FAX (650)728-8556.

General Manager

Clemens Heldmaier (650)728-3545 email



MSWD General Manager Clemens Heldmaier showing a creek filtration system.


Author: mdrag
