Harbor Commission Looks to Second Approach, to Get 7001 Authorization from U.S. Army Corps, to Fix Damage Caused by their Pillar Point Breakwater Navigation Project

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VIDEO. From the San Mateo County Harbor District Commissioner’s agenda for Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, at 10:00am, as a hybrid meeting.

Commissioner George Dormurat speaking. He has over 42 years experience with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in the areas of Coastal Planning, Coastal Engineering, Navigation Design and Coastal Structure/Harbor Channel Maintenance, Dredging, and beneficial reuse Dredge Material.

Congresswoman Eshoo is the first approach as she lobbies on the Harbor Commission’s behalf. USACE’s Section 7001 and the Water Resources Development Act (WRRDA) provides a second approach.

U.S. Army Corp authorization, does not include funding.



Army Corp of Engineers Section 7001

The Annual Report to Congress on Future Water Resources Development provides an opportunity for communities to inform Congress about their interest in a new congressional authorization – or modifying an existing authorization – for specifically authorized Civil Works water resources studies, projects, and environmental infrastructure programs. The Annual Report is sometimes called the “7001 Report” for the section of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 that established the Report.

This Annual Report provides Congress with a list of potential studies and projects to newly authorize and a list of existing study, project, and programmatic authorities to modify. Congress generally authorizes new USACE studies, projects, and programs in an omnibus authorization bill, typically called the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA). WRDAs are typically passed every two years, on even years.

Partnering with USACE for a Civil Works water resources feasibility study and project is a multi-step process, typically requiring both specific Congressional authorization for the activity and Congressional appropriations (or funding) for the federal share of the cost.  An overview of USACE Civil Works water resources study and project processes is found in Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: A Guide for Communities, Local Governments, States, Tribes, and Non-Governmental Organizations.

The Annual Report to Congress on Future Water Resources Development only focuses on studies and projects where Congressional authorization is requested and needed.


Water Resources Reform and Development Act

President Obama signed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (WRRDA) of 2014 (H.R. 3080) into law on June 10, 2014.  WRRDA is the primary legislation by which Congress authorizes the Corps of Engineers’ key civil works missions, including navigation, flood risk management and environmental restoration.  The authorities provided in WRRDA help USACE continue to provide value to the nation in developing and maintaining the nation’s waterways and harbors, reducing damages from storm events, and restoring the environment.

USACE will develop “implementation guidance” for the provisions in WRRDA 2014, in coordination with the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works), which will provide the policies and procedures to be used in implementing the new law.  All implementation guidance will be available publicly and can be found in the implementation guidance section below.

WRRDA is strictly an authorizing legislation; it does not include funding. The funding of WRRDA-authorized studies and projects is accomplished separately as part of the annual appropriations process.

Section 7001 Gives 120 Days (May-July) to Non-Federal Sponsor to Submit their Ideas for Projects Directly to the Army Corp of Engineers.



More on Dredging Pillar Point Harbor on Coastside Buzz

Artificial Reefs (and Dredging) as a Solution



More on the Harbor District on Coastside Buzz


San Mateo County Harbor District Board Meetings ~ 3rd Wednesday @ 10:00am


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Please note that email correspondence sent to or from Members of the Harbor Commission via the District’s website are considered public records and may be subject to disclosure and additional distribution pursuant to the Public Records Act and the Brown Act.

To email the entire Harbor Commission, click here.




Author: mdrag
