Half Moon Bay Planning Commission Asks Staff for Immediate Evacuation Directions for Different Disasters as the State’s Complex Safety Element Update Process Continues

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VIDEO. From the Half Moon Bay Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, October 10th, 2023 at 7:00pm, as a hybrid meeting.

Chair, Rick Hernandez, introduces the agenda item, and Assistant City Manager, John Doughty, presents.




Full Agenda Report

A Safety Element is a State-mandated General Plan Element that identifies potential natural and human-caused hazards that could affect residents, businesses, and services in the community. The purpose of the Safety Element is to establish a framework that identifies and anticipates these hazards and prepares the community to minimize risks and harm resulting from these hazards.


In recent years, the complexity of Safety Elements has increased in accordance with additional State requirements, more sophisticated mapping, and expanded community outreach based on higher levels of public interest in climate change and hazard planning. To assist local jurisdictions with these requirements, detailed guidance from the Governor’s Office of Planning & Research and Office of Emergency Services to local governments on how to prepare vulnerability assessments related to climate change became available July 2020. City staff were not prepared to move forward with the Safety Element because at that time staff were fully engaged in completing the Local Coastal Land Use Plan (LCLUP). Staff anticipated that the General Plan Housing and Safety Elements would trail that effort. The Housing Element is nearing completion and staff is now initiating the work plan for the Safety Element.




More on the Planning Commission on Coastside Buzz



Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.

CONTACT: Comments to the Commission and to Staffcan be submitted by emailing [email protected].


HMB Planning Commission Agendas and Zoom Links

HMB Planning Commission Videos


The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new development is consistent with our Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, long-range General Plan and Local Coastal Plan, State laws and other public policies that advance the interests of our community.



Rick Hernandez, Chair

Margaret Gossett, Vice Chair

David Gorn

Hazel Joanes

Steve Ruddock


Planning Commission meetings are held at 7 pm every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 537 Kelly Avenue.

View agendas and minutes here.

To communicate with members of the Planning Commission, please use the staff contact information to the right.


Jill Ekas

Community Development Director


Bridget Jett

Consultant – Planning Analyst



Author: mdrag
