Half Moon Bay Downtown Streetscape Master Design Includes Safer Crossings, Gateway Signage, Wider Sidewalks and Parallel Parking; No Construction Grant Funding Yet

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VIDEOS. From the Half Moon Bay Planning Commission on Tuesday, February 27th, 2024 at 7:00pm, as a hybrid meeting. A presentation was also given to the Half Moon Bay City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 at 7:00pm as a hybrid meeting.


City Planning 2/27/24 Downtown Streetscape Master Plan Update Staff Report and Public Response

Themes emerged following Discovery and Design Week. Many community members affirmed how much they value the unique, coastal small-town character of Main Street. They also appreciated local businesses, trees, art including murals, signs, landmarks, and frontages. They expressed broad support for events like parades and festivals. There was dislike of narrow sidewalks with obstacles and safety concerns for the current diagonal parking. People also disliked tree canopies obscuring beautiful buildings, a lack of visible wayfinding (and visitors often don’t know there is a downtown), and an overall feeling that Main Street does not feel connected. Community members reported a desire for wider sidewalks, more greenery and vegetation, seating and other public amenities, and a strengthened town “center” feel.



City Council 3/5/24 Streetscape Presentation

Overall, there is overwhelming support for safer crossings like added curb extensions to slow vehicular turning movements and shorten crossing distances. There is also strong support for gateway signage both south of Hwy 92 on Main Street and at the north end of the bridge. Another popular opinion supports better connections from downtown to the high school and consolidation of driveways, especially at Ace Hardware where three come together with many left turning movements. A widening of the sidewalks along Heritage Main Street to balance great spaces for people, café, and retail spill out space, and parking is also emphasized. Parallel parking ranks as the biggest compromise to achieve this additional sidewalk real estate.






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Half Moon Bay City Council Meetings ~ 1st & 3rd Tuesdays @ 7:00pm

The Half Moon Bay City Council typically meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month starting at 7pm at the Ted Adcock Community Center, 535 Kelly Avenue. The meeting is also remote by Zoom, Facebook and PCTV. Regular meeting agendas are posted 72 hours in advance. Special meeting agendas are posted 24 hours in advance.


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HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links


HMB City Council Meeting Videos on PCTV


The City Council of Half Moon Bay is the City’s governing body, and consists of five elected members. The Council sets priorities and policies, makes final decisions on all major City matters, adopts ordinances and resolutions, appoints the City Manager and City Attorney, and approves the annual budget.


The City of Half Moon Bay holds district-based elections for its five city council seats. Each Councilmember is elected to a 4 year term. There are no term limits in Half Moon Bay. The City Council selects one of its members to serve as Mayor and one to serve as Vice Mayor, on an annual basis.


The Half Moon Bay City Council typically meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month starting at 7 pm at the Ted Adcock Community Center, 535 Kelly Avenue.

The meetings will be:

Members or the public are welcome to submit comments (in accordance with the three-minute per speaker limit) via email to [email protected] prior to or during the meeting, via Facebook live during the meeting, and via two phone lines during the meeting – (650) 477-4963 (English) and (650) 445-3090 (Spanish). The City Clerk will read all comments into the record.

Please visit our “Commenting at a City Council Meeting” information page. You can also learn about City Council Procedures and Decorum.

The City Council develops Strategic Elements to help focus the City’s actions and work plans on its key priorities.

Contact Us

Phone: (650) 726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)


  1. Mayor Joaquin Jimenez, District 3, 2024 Election

  2. Vice Mayor Harvey Rarback, District 2, 2024 Election

  3. Councilmember Robert Brownstone, District 1, 2026 Election

  4. Councilmember Deborah Penrose, District 5, 2026 Election

  5. Councilmember Debbie Ruddock, District 4, 2026 Election



City of Half Moon Bay District-based Elections Map for 2024

Map 503b Adopted 3.15.2022



From left to right 2024 Half Moon Bay Councilmembers: Robert Brownstone, Vice Mayor Harvey Rarback, Mayor Joaquin Jimenez, Deborah Penrose and Debbie Ruddock.

HMB Planning Commission Agendas and Zoom Links

HMB Planning Commission Videos


The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new development is consistent with our Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, long-range General Plan and Local Coastal Plan, State laws and other public policies that advance the interests of our community.



Rick Hernandez, Chair

Margaret Gossett, Vice Chair

David Gorn

Hazel Joanes

Steve Ruddock


Planning Commission meetings are held at 7 pm every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 537 Kelly Avenue.

View agendas and minutes here.

To communicate with members of the Planning Commission, please use the staff contact information to the right.


Jill Ekas

Community Development Director


Bridget Jett

Consultant – Planning Analyst
Author: mdrag
