Got an Old Car in Your Driveway? 7 Reasons To Recycle Vehicles

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OWN VOICE, OWN WORDS. By Carmen Adams.

The first thing most people think of when they hear the word “recycle” is trash. I don’t think anyone can argue with that, but did you know people also recycle vehicles? Parts of that old vehicle sitting in your yard can be reused for a brand-new car!

Car parts aren’t made from materials that can only be used once. They’re made from materials we use in everyday life. So, there’s no need to waste those materials if they can be broken down and reused.

Not having a car at all is the best option for our planet. But depending on where you live, that can’t always be an option. After reading this article, you’ll learn how recycling vehicles is better for our environment. 

Carmen is a master’s student at San Diego State University who is passionate about preserving the environment. Since a young age her mission has been bettering the environment. She works closely with the Surfrider foundation and enjoys running in sunny San Diego during her spare time.

Parts Can Be Reused

After reading the introduction, you probably can now think of at least five parts of your car that can be recycled. If you said the battery, then your mind is rolling in the right direction. According to, “materials in vehicle batteries are the most recycled consumer product in the world. Compared to aluminum cans, newspapers, and other items, 99% of battery lead is recycled. The material is melted down and used in new batteries.” 

Not to mention, old engines can also be used, no matter if the vehicle isn’t working. According to WARD, “there is a high demand for remanufactured engines because they’re cheaper.” 

The old tires on the broken-down car in your yard can be used for brand new tires for someone else. Crazy right? Plus, it can be helpful to landfills and also rubber manufacturers who have to work to meet industry needs. 

If you don’t have an old vehicle sitting in your yard, maybe you know someone who does. They may be interested in recycling after hearing these benefits. 


It Limits Filling Landfills!

Landfills are already filling, and according to the LA Times, “each year nations generate about 1.3 billion of waste.” That number is expected to rise by 2100, and recycling vehicles can play a part in stopping it. Think about how many cars are totaled, then thrown into landfills. When cars are thrown into landfills, toxic fluids such as gas and oil are thrown out with them.

Recycling vehicles also leaves room for non-recyclable materials. Less recyclable materials cause the need for more landfill space, which isn’t good. As you know, cars aren’t small, so they take up lots of space. 

Underground fires at landfills are common. The fires are caused by the junk holding air underground and the decomposing materials from methane gas that builds up. Fewer vehicles equal fewer fires.


It Creates More Steel!

It takes a lot of work, materials, and energy to create steel. All of those things can be reduced by recycling vehicle parts. About 65 percent of a junked car is made of steel. The rest is made from other materials such as rubber and glass. Not to mention, recycled steel is much cheaper. 


12+ Million Cars Recycled

In the United States, 12 million cars are recycled. This number makes cars one of the most recycled item in the country. That number is amazing, considering that it’s easier to recycle glass, plastic, and paper. 

I got in contact with a car scrapper who informed me recycling metal uses about 74 percent less energy than making new steel. 

Besides helping our environment, recycling cars also plays a part in our world’s industrial infrastructure.


It’s Environmentally Friendly!

Recycling vehicles saves energy and resources. Sadly, the Earth isn’t being treated the way it should. For that reason, many scientists believe our home planet won’t be around for much longer. Of course, that would be many years after we’re gone, but we could do things to help the next generations. 

The steel industry can save enough energy annually to supply power to more than 18 million households for a year. Why not be a helping hand if you possibly can? It’s always great being a help to others. 

Recycling old cars also help reduce waste and pollution, which is harmful to our environment. 


It Can Protect Animals!

That’s right, recycling a vehicle can be very beneficial to animals! Steel is made from iron ore, which is mined from the ground. The steel mining process can be hurtful to the natural habitat of wildlife. For example, mining can leak pollutants into the water, which could lead to contamination. Mining also involves clearing of trees that hold soils in place. Think about how many animals are affected each time. 

Since cars are mostly steel, that would help reduce mining and prevent animals from losing their homes. Many people love animals, and by knowing animals are affected, this may motivate them to recycle.


How You Can Help!

Recycling cars isn’t as easy as collecting plastic then taking it to your local recycling center. Most people own cars, but some don’t. If you have an old car sitting around, you may be interested in taking it to your local scrapyard.

 Going back to what I stated in the intro, there’s a high chance that you know someone who has an old car sitting in their yard that has been there for years. It may be a good idea to encourage them to think about helping others out by recycling.

I understand some people may have older cars that mean something, and they’ll do anything to keep it. You should never try to force anyone to recycle, but do your best to educate them. 

Let’s spread the word about recycling vehicles and get more people involved!

Author: mdrag
