City of Half Moon Bay Kelly Ave. Intersection Improvement Project at Pilarcitos Ave. and Alsace Lorraine Ave.

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VIDEO. From the City of Half Moon Bay’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting on Thursday, January 13th, 2022 at 6:30pm by Zoom.

Presentation by Bozorginia, Maziar, City HMB Engineer.

Kelly Avenue Intersection Project



Project Description: 
The Kelly Avenue Intersections Project proposes to improve pedestrian safety, accessibility, and minor traffic calming at, and between two intersections of Kelly Avenue. The intersections of interest are at Pilarcitos Avenue and Alsace Lorraine Avenue.

At the intersection of Kelly Avenue and Pilarcitos Avenue, the City is proposing to install new and refresh existing high visibility crosswalks at all legs of the intersection, install rapid-flashing beacons, upgrade existing curb ramps to comply with ADA Standards, minor pavement restoration, and updating existing signage.

At the intersection of Kelly Avenue and Alsace Lorraine Avenue, the City is proposing to install two total new high visibility crosswalks at the intersection, install one raised crosswalk crossing Kelly Avenue, install a new curb ramp, upgrade the existing curb ramp to comply with ADA standards, minor pavement restoration, and updating existing signage.

The City of Half Moon Bay also proposes to install two new speed feed back signs, between the two intersections of interest, to make drivers aware of their vehicular speed in the area.


Project Status: 
Outreach Phase and Design Phase


Funding Source(s):
General Funds
Grant Funds (assisted by the Cabrillo Unified School District

Latest Update:
November 16, 2021 – The City of Half Moon Bay received the 50% Design Submittal from their consultants.

January 13, 2022 – City Staff presented the proposed project scope and the 50% design to the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) and the attending public. The BPAC Committee and the attending public provided feedback to City Staff to incorporate in the next set of plans.

January 20, 2022 – City Staff presented the proposed project scope and the 50% design to the Cabrillo Unified School District (CUSD) School Board and the attending public. The School Board and the attending public provided feedback to City Staff to incorporate in the next set of plans.

Maziar Bozorginia, City Engineer Email
Jonathan Woo, Assistant Engineer Email

More Information:

BPAC and CUSD Powerpoint Presentation Jan/Feb 2022

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Kelly Avenue Intersections Project PPT”]

Pilarcitos Intersection leading to Hatch Elementary and Pilarcitos Alternative High School and the CUSD District Offices, looking South from Pilarcitos Ave.
Pilarcitos Intersection leading to Hatch Elementary and Pilarcitos Alternative High School and the CUSD District Offices, looking West from Kelly Ave..
Pilarcitos Intersection leading to Hatch Elementary and Pilarcitos Alternative High School and the CUSD District Offices, looking East from Kelly.










The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)

The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) consists of seven Half Moon Bay citizens who advise the City Council, Planning Commission, and the Parks and Recreation Commission. In the past, the Committee addressed the development, maintenance, and implementation of the City’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guidelines.  As part of implementation of the City’s General Plan Complete Streets Policy, BPAC provides advice about circulation system improvements and programs to encourage cycling and walking as a means of transportation and recreation.

Committee members are appointed by the City Council and represent the diversity of perspectives in the community necessary for full representation, including: Two walking enthusiasts, one commuter-cyclist, one senior representative, one youth representative, and a representative for the Cabrillo Unified School District (appointed by the District).


BPAC Members:

Carlene Foldenauer (Cabrillo Unified School District Representative)
Aaron Olson
Janet Rae-Dupree
Mario Rendon
Erik Schiller
Matthew Spink
Brandon White




More on HMB BPAC on Coastside Buzz


Author: mdrag


One thought on “City of Half Moon Bay Kelly Ave. Intersection Improvement Project at Pilarcitos Ave. and Alsace Lorraine Ave.

  1. And Maz and the City saves the day and possibly a life at the corner of Alsace Lorraine and Kelly. Thank you dearly.

    I got tired of throwing little red rubber kids balls out in the street in front of people who would blow that stop sign going 40 miles an hour or so. Chasing folks down at the State Park and telling them people have died on that street when people blow stop signs got annoying as well.

    Again, thank you Maz and the City of Half Moon Bay public works for listening to our pleas and concerns. Maybe we can get a cigarette butt tank or two on Kelly as well so those healthy cigarette butts don’t make it into giant storm drains and out in the waves while we’re surfing.

    Love me a Half Moon Bay when we all work together 🙂

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