Hyatt Hotel Design Review at HMB Architectural Advisory Committee
VIDEO. From Hyatt Hotel Design Review at HMB Architectural Advisory Committee; Thu July 16 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am The 3/19/2020…
Baseline Journalism. Click, Learn, Think, Act, Vote…
VIDEO. From Hyatt Hotel Design Review at HMB Architectural Advisory Committee; Thu July 16 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am The 3/19/2020…
NOTICE. The Elections Division for San Mateo County has begun hiring Vote Center Representatives for November’s election. Wages start at…
VIDEO. What Will District Elections Look Like in Half Moon Bay This November 2020? Workshop was held remotely on Thur.…
PHOTO-ESSAY. Big changes this 4th of Jul, 2020. City Council and staff coordinated with State Park Beaches. You will see…
PRESS RELEASE. July 2, 2020 – As a temporary public health safety measure to reduce the density of visitors over…
VIDEO. City of Half Moon Bay Planning board really digs in on this very necessary project considering visual corridors, invasive…
VIDEO. Jill Ekas, who is the Community Development Director for the City of Half Moon Bay, presents a brief overview…
ARTICLE. Novel Waste-to-Energy Microgrid Aims to Provide Resilience in Camden, New Jersey The partners proposing a novel waste-to-energy microgrid for…
VIDEO. At the 5/26/2020 Half Moon Bay City Council Meeting, Mazier Bozorginia, City Engineer, presents. Have questions? You can reach…
VIDEO. At the 5/26/2020 meeting, Senior Planner, Scott Phillips, presents to the City of the Half Moon Bay Planning Commission…