CalTrans Presentation on Hwy 1 Multi-Asset Roadway Rehabilitation of Pavement, Guard Rails, Bus Stops, Drainage and Cameras

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VIDEO. On Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 6:00pm, by Zoom,  Caltrans hosted an online public meeting about its planned project to rehab the roadway between Moss Beach and Half Moon Bay.

For more information about the project, visit

For questions or assistance, email [email protected].


  • Pavement Rehabilitation
  • Roadway Rehabilitation and Guard Rail Replacement
  • Drainage Improvements
  • Bus Stop Improvements
  • Bike, Ped and Complete Streets Improvements
  • Traffic Management System Elements Maps
    • Traffic Monitoring System Locations
    • Fixed Intersection Cameras Locations
    • Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Locations

Project Milestones Timeline



1.4.6 Conduits, and Traffic Operation System Elements Installation

The proposed TOS elements are needed because SR 1, through the project area, lacks traffic monitoring systems that can be used to collect data on traffic flow and volumes. These data can be used to inform future planning decisions and projects in San Mateo County. Overall, Caltrans anticipates that inclusion of TOS elements into this project would improve traffic congestion along the corridor by helping to identify future transportation needs and deficiencies.


Caltrans proposes to upgrade and install new communication devices, such as closed-circuit television cameras, fixed intersection cameras, and traffic monitoring stations.


Figure 1-3 through Figure 1-5 show the proposed locations for these TOS elements. New conduit installation to support these elements would require trenching during installation. Excavation limits would be determined by conduit size and location.


The Full Slide Deck of Caltrans Presentation

Draft Initial Study with Proposed Negative Declaration

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District 4 Environmental Documents by County

San Mateo

State Route 1 Safety Barriers Project

State Route 1 Pescadero Creek Bridge Rails

State Route 1 Traffic Operational Systems Improvements Project



Is Caltrans Planning The Right Things for the MidCoast?

Author: mdrag
