California Coastal Commission Approves Permit for Installation of High Density Fiber at Devil’s Slide for Coastside Internet and Cell Phone Redundancy and Resiliency

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AGENDA. From the California Coastal Commission (CCC) North Central Coast District Deputy Director’s Report for July 12th, 2023.  



Date: June 27, 2023

To: All Interested Parties

From: Stephanie Rexing, North Central Coast District Manager Melba Policicchio, Transportation Program Analyst

Subject: Coastal Development Permit (CDP) Waiver 2-23-0528-W Applicant: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)


Proposed Development

Installation of a section of the state Middle Mile Broadband Network, including 1) highdensity fiber optic conduit and cable; 2) three pull vaults (one at the end of northbound tunnel and two on the eastern side of the roadway leading to the Caltrans maintenance yard) measuring approximately 2x3x3 feet and flush with the existing grade; and 3) four splice vaults (one at the north end of the bridge, a second adjacent to the Northern Devil’s Slide parking lot, the third within pavement at the southern end of the tunnel, and a fourth immediately south of the maintenance yard) measuring approximately 4x4x4 feet and flush with existing grade. All development proposed will be installed along Highway 1 from the Devil’s Slide Bridge, through the north borehole of the Tom Lantos Tunnel, and then extending south to the nearby Caltrans maintenance yard, in San Mateo County just south of Pacifica (between postmiles 38.3 and 39.6).


Executive Director’s Waiver Determination

Pursuant to Title 14, Section 13238 of the California Code of Regulations, and based on project plans and information submitted by the Applicant regarding the proposed development, the Executive Director of the California Coastal Commission hereby waives the requirement for a CDP for the following reasons: The proposed development is pursuant to the Statewide Broadband Middle Mile Network project, which aims to connect California’s unserved and underserved communities to accessible high-capacity broadband infrastructure and will not change the current use of the land, expand the existing development onsite, or otherwise intensify the use of the property. The project would occur within the existing Caltrans’ right-of-way roadway prism, and new development would be installed almost entirely under road pavement with some under disturbed or unpaved highway shoulders. Construction will be completed within roughly 50 working days, with approximately 20 nights of lane/one tunnel bore closures occurring between 12 A.M. and 5 A.M to avoid traffic impacts. In addition, construction includes appropriate BMPs to ensure impacts to coastal resources are avoided. All staging will occur on previously disturbed areas within the right-of-way so as to not impact adjacent vegetated areas and public access areas. As such, the proposed project will not adversely affect coastal resources, including visual resources, water quality, biological resources, or public access and is consistent with Chapter 3 of the Coastal Act and the certified San Mateo County Local Coastal Program.


Coastal Commission Review Procedure

This waiver is not valid until it has been reported to the Coastal Commission. This waiver is proposed to be reported to the Commission on Wednesday, July 12, 2023. If four or more Commissioners object to this waiver at that time, then the application shall be processed as a regular CDP application.


If you have questions about the proposal or wish to register an objection, please contact Melba Policicchio in the Coastal Commission’s North Central District Office.



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Author: mdrag
