Watch the PUBLIC HEARING for Moss Beach Cypress Point Affordable Housing Draft Environmental Impact Review (EIR)

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VIDEO. From the San Mateo County Planning Commission Agenda for Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, as a hybrid meeting.




PUBLIC HEARING for Moss Beach Cypress Point Affordable Housing Draft Environmental Impact Review (EIR)

Wed. September 13th @ 9:00am – 12:00pm


San Mateo County Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 at 9:00am, as a hybrid meeting.



Introduction of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR), pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), conducted during the 45-day public review period, for the proposed Cypress Point Planned Unit Development Coastal Development Permit and General Plan Land Use Map Amendment. Project Planner: Mike Schaller, [email protected] .


The purpose of this informational presentation is to provide interested parties and the Planning Commission an opportunity to provide comments during the public review period for the Cypress Point Planned Unit Development Draft Environmental Impact Report. No decision regarding the Draft EIR or the project itself will be made at this meeting.


Following the close of the public review period, SWCA Environmental Consultants, in consultation with Planning staff, will review and prepare responses to comments received at the September 13, 2023 meeting as well as written comments received by Planning staff throughout the public review period. Comments and responses to comments will be included in a Final EIR document. It is anticipated that the Final EIR will be available the beginning of December 2023. Please see the EIR schedule, below.

  • August 10, 2023, Public release date of Draft EIR
  • September 13, 2023, First Planning Commission hearing
  • September 25, 2023, at 5 p.m. End of 45-day public comment period
  • December 2023 Anticipated public release date of Final EIR


The Draft Environmental Impact Report for Cypress Point Affordable Housing Community Project has been completed and is available for public review and comment. See the Notice of Availability (NOA)and Draft EIR with attachments.



On Wednesday, September 13, 2023, at 9AM, SMC Planning Commission will conduct a public meeting to solicit written and oral comments regarding the content of the EIR from interested persons, organization, or agencies. The meeting will be conducted in person in the Board of Supervisors Chambers and via video conference. The agenda with instructions on how to access the meeting online through Zoom will be published 10 days before the Planning Commission meeting at:



Project Title: Cypress Point Affordable Housing Community Project (SCH# 2022120189)

Public Comment: Written comments on the Draft EIR will be accepted until 5:00 PM, Monday September 25, 2023. In addition to mail delivery, comments may also be submitted by email to [email protected]. Please include “Cypress Point EIR” in the subject line.


The Midcoast Community Council (MCC) will agendize this topic at an upcoming meeting.



Cypress Point Affordable Housing Community Project – 2023 Draft EIR

Cypress Point Affordable Housing Community Project Page



More on Cypress Point on Coastside Buzz


Conceptual Design

Author: mdrag


One thought on “Watch the PUBLIC HEARING for Moss Beach Cypress Point Affordable Housing Draft Environmental Impact Review (EIR)

  1. People sometimes ask me why I am such a diehard advocate for local control. Multi-thousand-page documents could be written on the reasons. But one prominent one would be that locals know their situation best and, if allowed to exercise democracy on a local level, will vote for what is best for localities. It’s clear what local democracy would produce for a decision on this inappropriate urban-style housing project.

    The reason this particular site is going through this process is that it was designated one of three potential low and middle income housing sites in San Mateo County’s original LCP and has continued as such through the LCP revisions since. That LCP was created by county employees and politicians with much input from urban environmentalists over the hill but virtually no local, knowledgeable input from the unincorporated Midcoast communities. There was, of course, much input from developers, builders, real estate investors, real estate brokers, builders of infrastructure, and other financial and wealth-accumulation concerns that continue to be so prominent in their influence on San Mateo County government today. Conveniently, San Mateo County government used the three sites to largely address mandates for such housing from the regional, quasi-governmental, urban-growth-serving ABAG, an association of local governments, both city and unincorporated county areas, that pushes over-population and over-development in the Bay Area and damn the real-world consequences.

    Obviously, the political fix is in on the Cypress Point project, but that is no reason for locals to give up on their battle to un-fix it.

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