WATCH Senate Bill 917 the “Seamless Transit Bill” ~ One Ticket From Half Moon Bay to S.F. and 9 Bay Area Counties?!

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VIDEO and PODCAST. Video from the City of Half Moon Bay City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 at 7:00pm by Zoom.


This post is dedicated to KHMB’s Coastal Windage host, Reuben Truthmaker’s Adventurous Odyssey from Hollister to Half Moon Bay … in 9 Hours. He could have used a single ticket and route/time integration. Story well told.

From KHMB Coastside Radio in Half Moon Bay and the Coastside.




From the Agenda for 3/1/2022

The City has contracted with Townsend Public Affairs for the past five years for legislative advocacy and grant services.

In collaboration with Townsend, the City Council Legislative Subcommittee, and staff, a proactive Legislative Platform has been developed to enable Townsend and staff to advocate on the City’s behalf with legislators and regulatory agencies.

The 2022 Legislative Platform highlights the position of the City Council on important issues that align with community goals and policy documents. City staff currently monitors bills introduced into California Legislature and U.S. Congress.

This platform provides staff direction and allows the City, on the Council’s behalf, to respond in support of or opposition to bills and other legislative and administrative actions.

The draft of the 2022 Legislative Platform represents the City’s values and interests in areas such as Quality of Life, Environmental Protection, Economic Development, Public Safety, and Affordable Housing. These priority areas, among others listed in the draft, have been identified as fundamental legislative issues deemed critical to the City.

Upon City Council approval, the legislative platform will allow staff to respond to the rapidly changing nature of legislative items.

SB-917 Seamless Transit Transformation Act

Introduced by Senator Josh Becker in February 2022.

California Senate Bill 917 would require the Bay Area’s 27 independent transit agencies to work together more closely to develop an integrated transit fare structure, create a Connected Network Plan to support schedule coordination and service standards, and develop a single regional transit map and standardized way finding system …Feb 4, 2022


Locally, this would make the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) work more closely with the 9 Bay Area Counties to integrate their maps, way finding, fares, etc.

Goal to make public transit better.




More Coastal Windage on Coastside Buzz



The Coastside’s only live, call-in talk radio show, Coastal Windage features Coastside issues, hot topics, and live comments from Coastsiders in real time.

Link to Coastal Windage on KHMB

Finally, the people of the Coastside have an opportunity to participate in their own community.

Co-hosts Reuben TruthMaker and Livvy Streetwise provide a curated and encouraging forum for discussion while regaling listeners with their informed, entertaining, and insightful takes on a full spectrum of topics.

This is not a platform for endless arguing and posturing.

This is free-range thinking applied to local issues and daily lives with expansive, explorative discussion.

No dogma, no entrenched positions, no talking points or political agendas — just two Coastsiders with the time and curiosity to dive deep and go anywhere.


To be on the show

listen from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Fridays

Call-in 650.560.9851


You can also email Reuben and Livvy Streetwise with your comments at [email protected].


Reuben Truthmaker

A 15-year resident of El Granada, Reuben TruthMaker is a dedicated husband, dad, coach, community volunteer, and creative professional. He is also a confirmed cynic, a notable futurist, and a passionate iconoclast forever seeking the greater good. Voted “Most Likely to Wear a Tin Foil Hat” during his senior year of high school, Truth loves a good conspiracy theory. Humor him.

Livvy Streetwise

Livvy and her family have lived here on the coast for 15 years and look forward to the next 15! She is an active volunteer in the community, occasional coach for her child’s soccer team, and champion of good vibes. As a ‘foil’ to Reuben’s cynicism, Livvy tries to look on the bright side of the issues, however, she has been known on many occasions, to break out the ol’ soapbox, asking “why the heck can’t we all just get along”???



Author: mdrag
