Underpasses!? Midcoaster Asks for a Feasibility Study for a Pedestrian Underpass Across Hwy 1 in Moss Beach; What about Furtado, too?

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VIDEO. From the Midcoast Community Council (MCC) meeting on Wednesday, June 14th, 2023 at 7:00pm, as a hybrid meeting.




To:  Midcoast Community Council

From: Montara resident

“I recommend that the MCC become familiar with and provide input to the multi-agency study: “Moss Beach State Route 1 Congestion & Safety Improvements Project”. Here’s a link to the project on the San Mateo County website:  https://www.smcgov.org/planning/moss-beach-sr-1.  This project (study) is funded and is currently in the “Project Initiation” phase (began in Sept 2022, expected to conclude Nov 2023). The agencies conducting the project (study) are The County of San Mateo and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA), in cooperation with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

From the project webpage: “The goal of this project is to improve traffic flow and safety within the project area, which includes three major intersections: SR-1/16th Street, SR-1/California Avenue, and SR-1/Cypress Avenue. Improvements for the intersections and surrounding project area may include roundabouts, signals, dedicated turn lanes, high-visibility crosswalks, pedestrian walkways, bus stop enhancements, and bike lanes.”

In regards to the current  “Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion & Safety Improvements Project”:  I’d like the MCC to request that a feasibility study regarding a pedestrian tunnel underpass across State Route 1 (SR-1) in Moss Beach be included in the scope of the study.

The “Connect the Coastside: the San Mateo County Midcoast Comprehensive Transportation Management Plan”, adopted April 2022, has recommendation No. Pe1: New and Improved Crossings of Highways 1 and 92 : “Improve existing and add new pedestrian crossings on Highways 1 and 92 including marked crossings with flashing beacons, overcrossing of Highway 1 / south of Carlos St, and improve Highway 1 / Coronado St.” The Connect the Coastside process never addressed the issue of a Moss Beach underpass in any detail, only by a very general response to public comment.”




Could there be an underpass at Furtado, as well?!










More on Underpasses on Coastside Buzz

Midcoast Community Council (MCC) Requests that Caltrans Save the Medio Creek Culvert/Underpass as a Safer Hwy 1 Crossing than a Crosswalk


MCC’s Dan Haggerty Asks, Again, Why Connect the Coastside Has Not Included Underpasses as a Possibility in CTC Final Draft



MCC Agendas, Videos and Lots and Lots of Documents!

Thanks to exMCC’s Lisa Ketcham (now on the San Mateo County Planning Commission) for an incredibly well curated website archive on local planning issues.


Link to MCC Virtual Meetings


Midcoast Community Council Website

Midcoast Community Council (MCC) is an elected Municipal Advisory Council to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, representing Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Princeton, and Miramar.

Regular MCC meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at Granada Community Services District (GCSD) meeting room, 504 Ave Alhambra, third floor, El Granada. 
All MCC meetings are open to the public, and are agendized and posted according to the requirements of the Brown Act.

Agenda item supporting documents are available 72 hours in advance of meetings on http://www.MidcoastCommunityCouncil.org.

Minutes from previous meetings on http://www.midcoastcommunitycouncil.org/2017-2018/

To subscribe to MCC agendas via email, send email to [email protected]


Midcoast Community Councilmembers

MCC[email protected]
P.O. Box 248, Moss Beach, CA 94038
Subscribe to agendas via email: Google Group-MCC-Agendas.


Gregg Dieguez, Chair – Term Ends: Dec. 2024
Phone: 650-544-0714
Email: [email protected]


Claire Toutant, Vice Chair – Term Ends: Dec. 2026
Phone: 650-676-5847‬
Email: [email protected]


Scott Bollinger, Secretary – Term Ends: Dec 2026
Phone: 650-773-4425
Email: [email protected]


Dan Haggerty, Treasurer – Term Ends: Dec. 2024
Phone: 650-212-6026
Email : [email protected]


Gus Mattammal, Member – Term Ends: Dec 2026
Phone: 650-451-5335
Email: [email protected]


Vacancy for term ending 2026
Vacancy for term ending 2024


Author: mdrag
