PHOTO-ESSAY. Big changes this 4th of Jul, 2020. City Council and staff coordinated with State Park Beaches. You will see City Staff at Kelly and Poplar . politely explaining the closures. Their signage is ubiquitous.
You can cross the beach to get into the water, as they allow in Hawaii, but you can not sit on the beach.
Stay tuned to Coastside Buzz Facebook and Instagram.
This 4th of July, 2020.
Did you know The Jetty aka Surfers’ Beach is owned by the City of Half Moon Bay?
Francis State Beach in Half Moon Bay is CLOSED. Parking, bathrooms and the beach are all closed and are being patrolled by the San Mateo County Sheriffs.
Poplar Beach in Half Moon Bay is Closed. So is the Coastal Trail between Poplar and Kelly St. (Francis State Beach)
Bluffs to Beach access (between Poplar and Kelly), is also Closed.
Francis Beach Trail, at the end of Kelly St, is Closed
Venice Beach North ClosedVenice Beach CLOSED
Dunes Beach Closed.
San Mateo County Sheriff heading toward the Jetty (Surfers Beach) Friday July 3rd, 2020 at Noon.
The Jetty before Sheriff patrol.
The Jetty after Sheriff Patrol. Sheriff on scene as well.
Pillar Point Harbor Polaris on Patrol near the Mavericks Paddlesports Shop, the Half Moon Bay Yacht Club and the Coastside Buzz Studios.
You can be on the water, just not on the beach. Signage, patrols and multi-jurisdiction cooperation is the key.