The History of the Relationship Between Montara Water and Sanitary District and Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside

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PRESS RELEASE. Montara Water & Sanitary District’s December 2020-January 2021 Newsletter.

News for You: Essential for our Health and Environment; Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside – Our Contract and Obligations

Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside: Our Contract, Obligations and Regional Reliance

In the 1960’s, Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD) successfully operated an independent wastewater system for our community that met state and federal water quality standards. Our safely treated wastewater was discharged offshore into the Pacific Ocean near our office. Granada Community Services District (GCSD) and the City of Half Moon Bay (HMB) operated separate sewage systems with aging treatment plants that did not meet evolving standards.

In the 1970’s, the Fitzgerald Marine Reserve was extended and encompassed MWSD’s ocean outfall. This action put MWSD’s discharge location in violation of CA state law.

In 1974, the State issued a series of violations to Half Moon Bay and Granada, and Montara, and ordered that each comply with state standards. These orders were followed in 1979 by legal action by the State Attorney General. This action forced Montara to abandon our treatment plant, and created a regional need for new and/or improved wastewater treatment and disposal facilities.

Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM), a Joint Powers Authority created under contract between MWSD, GCSD, and HMB was formed to address this regional need.

A Regional Wastewater System

The SAM contract authorized construction, operation and maintenance, of a consolidated regional wastewater system composed of:

• a new regional deepwater ocean discharge pipe, located in Half Moon Bay, to dispose of consolidated, treated wastewater flows;

• new conveyance, tie-in and pumping facilities necessary to transport the combined wastewater to the treatment plant;

• new treatment facilities adequate to meet all water quality standards.


SAM Owns, Operates and Maintains This Regional System.

Per the contract, this system includes the ocean outfall, conveyance and the treatment plant. The largest SAM conveyance asset, the Intertie Pipeline System (IPS), is a 7.3-mile-long series of pump stations and pipelines, force mains and gravity interceptors that delivers raw sewage from the agencies to the SAM plant for treatment and discharge.

In 2017, the City of Half Moon Bay filed a lawsuit against MWSD, GCSD, and SAM claiming continuing work on the Intertie Pipeline System should not be paid by HMB. Under the contract, HMB’s obligation to fund the operation and maintenance of the consolidated regional system, including this critical shared pipeline, is clear.

Each of our communities need reliable wastewater treatment. We need all agencies to work together to address our current and future needs for the region. The Intertie Pipeline System is the tie that binds our agencies together.




Montara Water & Sanitary District

Staying Ahead of our Local Community Needs

Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD) works every day to deliver water, garbage and sewer services for the residents of Montara and Moss Beach. Over 6,000 residents rely on our services for their homes and businesses.


Human waste and sewage requires treatment to protect public health and the environment.

All water leaving our toilets, sinks, showers, dish and clothes washers must be collected and treated before release to the ocean. Today, wastewater treatment is a process of separating water from solids, then biological treatment to further remove contaminants before returning treated water to the ocean.

We protect the Pacific Ocean through the management and treatment provided by the Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside system.


Board Meetings on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at 8888 Cabrillo Highway, Montara.

Call: (650) 728-3545

Email: [email protected]


As our community continues its recovery from COVID-19, MWSD is committed to providing safe public access via ZOOM teleconference for our regularly scheduled public meetings for the foreseeable future.



Montara Sanitary and Water District (MSWD) Meetings 1st & 3rd Thursdays

Thu December 17 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.

Montara Water & Sanitary District (MSWD) Meetings 1st & 3rd Thursdays


Agendas and Zoom Live Meeting Links


If you experience technical difficulties or have technical questions prior to or during the meeting, please contact MWSD’s IT support at (650) 728-7843.

Meeting Videos

Meeting Schedule:

Regular meetings are 7:30pm on the first and third Thursday of each month. They used to held at the District office at 8888 Cabrillo Hwy, next to Pt Montara Lighthouse and Hostel.

To receive agendas by email, send a request to [email protected]

In addition to email, we post agendas before each board meeting:

  • On the District website here
  • Montara post office
  • Moss Beach post office
  • the bulletin board in front of the MWSD office


Who is on the Board of Directors?

Kathryn Slater-Carter — President Term 2016-2020
Jim Harvey — President Pro Tem Term 2018-2022
Ric Lohman — Secretary Term 2018-2022
Peter Dekker — Treasurer Term 2019-2020
Scott Boyd — Director Term 2016-2020



Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) – MWSD is a member of SAM, the agency that collects and cleans our Coastside community’s wastewater before it enters the ocean. SAM meets monthly on the 4th Monday at 7:30pm. Jim Harvey and Scott Boyd presently serve as SAM board members.

Recology of the Coast – MWSD has contracted with Recology of the Coast for trash pickup, recycling, and waste hauling.

Visit County Solid Waste Department for more information about recycling, composting, etc.


In an Emergency

Water Emergencies: Call MWSD at (650) 728-3545

Sewer Emergencies: Call SAM at (650) 726-0124

For emergencies that affect life, health or safety:  Dial 911


Contact Us

  • 8888 Cabrillo Hwy
    Montara, California 94037
  • Office Hours:
    8:30AM to 5PM Mon-Fri
  • (650) 728-3545
  • [email protected]

Note: Public participation is not permitted during closed session discussion items.


MSWD General Manager Clemens Heldmaier showing a creek filtration system.

Author: mdrag
