NPR’s The Takeaway. “The Decline of Local News”
PODCAST. Tanzina Vega, from NPR’s The Takeaway. “The Decline of Local News”. November 25, 2019. Please support local journalism…
Baseline Journalism. Click, Learn, Think, Act, Vote…
PODCAST. Tanzina Vega, from NPR’s The Takeaway. “The Decline of Local News”. November 25, 2019. Please support local journalism…
PODCAST. Eric Debode came to the Coastside Buzz studio, today, to paint a full picture of what Abundant Grace does…
VIDEO. Good news thanks to the passing of parcel tax Measure I. Listen to Cabrillo Unified School District Superintendent (CUSD),…
VIDEO. Tom Williams reports. CUSD down 2,000 kids in last 4 years. Down 20% in last 6 years, that is…
VIDEO. State Funding is broken. Loss of enrollment is happening. Close King’s Mountain? Move King’s Mountain. Most King’s mountain students…
VIDEO. 5-year plan presentation for the HMBHS Agriculture Program. Ag and science work together. Massive teacher turnover due to cost…
ARTICLE. California hillsides were ablaze last year and it looks like a similar disaster may occur again this season. Eucalyptus…
ARTICLE . What do you think? 3 choices. 5. Electric Bicycle Policy. Staff Contact: Matt Anderson, Chief Ranger, Visitor Services…
AGENDA / VIDEO. 2019. California Coastal Commission (CCC) decision denied a section of seawall proposed to protect the Coastal Trail…
ARTICLE/ PRIMARY RECORD. The uniqueness of the Heritage Trail is that it is based on two cultures, the Ohlone and…