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VIDEO. From the OneShoreline Directors’ meeting on Monday, May 22nd, 2023 at 4:00pm, as a hybrid meeting.
Our District 3 Supervisor and OneShoreline Board member, Ray Mueller, addresses the board as a Public Comment.
OneShoreline Consultant Report, if Adopted, Will Destroy Pillar Point Harbor
VIDEO. From the San Mateo County Harbor District Meeting on Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 at 1:00pm, as a hybrid meeting.
Harbor Chair, Bill Zemke, introduces the agenda item and General Manager, Jim Pruett, introduces OneShoreline’s CEO, Len Matterman.
OneShoreline’s Presentation
[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”2023_05_17_Item_F1_OneShoreline Pillar Point Harbor Shoreline Area Study May 2023″]
San Mateo County Harbor District Board Meetings ~ 3rd Wednesday @ 1:00pm
Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.

Harbor District Calendar
Harbor District Agendas and Remote Meeting Links
Harbor District Pacifica Coast TV Videos
2023 Board of Harbor Commissioners Contact Information:
Please note that email correspondence sent to or from Members of the Harbor Commission via the District’s website are considered public records and may be subject to disclosure and additional distribution pursuant to the Public Records Act and the Brown Act.
To email the entire Harbor Commission, click here.
More on One Shoreline on Coastside Buzz
OneShoreline Consultant Report, if Adopted, Will Destroy Pillar Point Harbor
SMCo Harbor District Plans Joint Meetings with One Shoreline for Possible Integration of Plans for Dual Benefits and Results
HMB Council Member Ruddock Reports to One Shoreline on the “Terrifying” Flooding of the Sewer Plant Electrical Room New Years Eve 2022
After Miscommunications, the San Mateo County Harbor District Looks Forward to Increased Coordination with OneShoreline in the Development of the Pillar Point Harbor Area Shoreline Management Study
OneShoreline will Present to SMCo Harbor Commissioners to Review New Study that Suggests Partial Removal of Outer Break Water to Re-Nourish Southern Beaches
Who is OneShoreline? And How will their New Non-Regulatory, Cross-Jurisdictional Planning Process Help Coastside Infrastructure from Sea Level Rise?
San Mateo County “OneShoreline” Sea Level Rise Resiliency District’s Update on Pillar Point Harbor Shoreline Area Protection and Enhancement Project
OneShoreline Presents “Sea Level Rise, Erosion and Flooding on the San Mateo County Coast”
OneShoreline Board 2022
Board webpage has not yet been updated for 2023.
OneShoreline Board 2022
OneShoreline History
In 1959, State legislation established the San Mateo County Flood Control District to address flooding challenges in several specific flood prone areas called “flood zones.”
In 2015, the County’s Civil Grand Jury issued a Report, “Flooding Ahead: Planning for Sea Level Rise,” that posed the question: What actions can the County of San Mateo, and the 20 cities and two relevant local special agencies within the county, take now to plan for sea level rise?” It answered this question by recommending “that a single organization undertake SLR planning on a countywide basis.”
In 2016, the County’s Department of Public Works established a Flood Resilience Program that developed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to plan three potential projects: Bayfront Canal/Atherton Channel (MOU with Menlo Park, Redwood City, and Atherton); Belmont Creek (MOU with Belmont and San Carlos); and Navigable Slough (MOU with San Bruno and South San Francisco).
March 2018, the City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) convened the “Floods, Droughts, Rising Seas, Oh My!” water summit, bringing together regional experts and policy-makers to discuss San Mateo County water management challenges and opportunities. There, Congresswoman Jackie Speier identified the need for a countywide agency to address the challenges of flooding, sea level rise and coastal erosion. This agency would allow San Mateo County and its 20 cities to: 1) coordinate the planning and implementation of projects across jurisdictional lines, which enables uniform levels of protection and the sharing of technical information and resources, and 2) create a broad and unified vision and voice that would position the new regional agency and its projects to obtain funding and regulatory permits.
In April of 2018, the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) Countywide Water Coordination Committee began to develop a proposal to form a countywide agency to address sea level rise, flooding, coastal erosion, and regional stormwater infrastructure. After analyzing various potential approaches to the agency, the Water Coordination Committee recommended that new State legislation expand the mission, geographic reach, and governing Board of the 1959 San Mateo County Flood Control District. This legislation, Assembly Bill 825 (Mullin), was signed into law in September 2019, and on January 1, 2020, the San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency District was born.
OneShoreline Finance
Board of Directors Finance Committee Meeting, November 17, 2022 11:00 AM
Having watched the ESA/One Shoreline presentation, they are CLEARLY recommending removal of the breakwater at El Granada that also protects the Half Moon Bay Airport. Whether One Shoreline or Ray Mueller have any purview over the harbor at El Granada (they do not) is a different matter entirely.