Supervisor Horsley Asks Who Will Cut Pedro Point Euc Firebreak for Montara Hwy 1 Tunnel Evacuation

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VIDEO. From the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors meeting 2/23/2021 at 9:00am.

San Mateo County Park Director, Supervisor Horsley asks Parks Director, Nicholas Calderon, at 3:11:00

Contact Don: [email protected]

Contact Nicholas: [email protected]

Play Video at 3:11:00

Great question. Have a listen to understand the jurisdictional challenges that we face to get fire break planned where we need them.


Pedro Point falls under the jurisdiction of the California State Coastal Conservancynot San Mateo County, nor the City of Pacifica.


Much of the midcoast, Moss Beach and Montara will evacuate to the north, through the tunnel to Pacifica. The eucalyptus overhanging Highway 1 need to be fire-breaked 30 feet from road to make that evacuation safe.

~ Michelle Dragony, Coastside Buzz


Pedro Point Coastal Trail

The Pedro Point Coastal Trail project is a trail planning project in coastal San Mateo County.  The proposed trail would connect the City of Pacifica with the Devil’s Slide Trail and open space at Pedro Point Headlands via a multi-use pathway that provides a beautiful, easy-to-use alternative to Highway 1, completing this gap in the Coastal Trail. This map shows the approximate proposed alignment of the trail.

Overview Map of Pedro Point Coastal Trail Connection


A Feasibility Study/Conceptual Design was conducted by the Coastal Conservancy from 2019-2020 to look at route options for the Pedro Point Coastal Trail. The report is available by request by emailing hilary.walecka (at) (as the Conservancy works to remediate its website contents to make materials accessible to Californias of all abilites).

Simulation of trail from highway 1

Simulation of trail as seen from Highway 1 in Pacifica

Simulation of trail in forest

Simulation of trail through open space at Pedro Point Headlands

Map of segments of trail

Segments of trail in the Feasibility Study/Conceptual Design


The next steps needed to turn this trail from a plan into reality include developing detailed design and engineering plans; conducting further community engagement; developing environmental documentation; acquiring permits; fundraising; and partnering with a park agency to manage to the trail.​

If you would like to be included on the mailing list for future updates, please email Hilary Walecka at [email protected].




How Old Haul Road Fuel Break Worked in CZU 2020 Fires.

Summer 2020: The repair of Dark Gulch creek crossing on Old Haul Road in Pescadero Creek County Park is underway!  It was finishes just in tome for the August CZU fires.  Fire breaks work.



More on Eucalyptus and Wild Fire Fuel Reduction on Coastside Buzz

In 2020, 100 acres were treated in Quarry Park and the El Granada Blvd was re-established as a fire break.

In 2021, 65 acres will be retreated at Quarry Park. Chemical treatment will need to be used when necessary. Cost $85k.

Author: mdrag
