SMCo Funds Tree Removal at Highway 92 and Crystal Springs Reservoir with Fire Evacuation Route Planning and Development Grant

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AGENDA. From the San Mateo County Supervisors’ meeting on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023 at 9:00am, as a hybrid meeting.


From the 5/23/2023 Agenda

Adopt a resolution authorizing the Department of Emergency Management to enter into a contract with Bay Area Tree Specialists for the removal of trees throughout San Mateo County as listed on the Fire Evacuation Route Planning and Development Grant.


To: Honorable Board of Supervisors

From:Don Mattei, Interim Director, Department of Emergency Management

Subject: Approval of Contract with Bay Area Tree Specialists



Adopt a resolution authorizing the Department of Emergency Management to enter into a contract with Bay Area Tree Specialists for the removal of trees throughout San Mateo County as listed on the Fire Evacuation Route Planning and Development Grant.



The County of San Mateo applied for and received grant funding through the California Fire Safe Council for the CalFire Evacuation Route Planning and Development grant program. The purpose of the grant is to prioritize and reduce potential hazardous fuels such as trees to increase the safety and viability of critical roadways as evacuation routes during a wildfire.



The County of San Mateo requested proposals for the removal of trees and potential hazardous fuels through an RFP process. Upon review of the proposals, Bay Area Tree Specialists was selected. The Department of Emergency Management wishes to enter into a contract for tree removal at the following sites:


• Hillsborough – Chateau Drive

• Belmont – Marsten Avenue

Caltrans Right-of-Way – Highway 92 at Crystal Springs Reservoir. <<<<< !

• Portola Valley/Woodside

• San Bruno- Sneath/Claremont

• Unincorporated SMC- Sandhill Road


These sites comprise Phase One of the project. RFP’s will be posted for Phase Two, once the additional sites are selected.



The Contract in the amount of $282,500 is grant funded by CalFire’s Fire Evacuation Route Planning and Development Grant. There is no net county cost.





San Mateo County Supervisors



Author: mdrag


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