Sewer JPA Votes Unanimously to Take Budget Amendment Back to their Boards for Princeton Pump Station and Force Main at Montara Projects in the Face of ERF Lawsuit

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VIDEO. From the Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) meeting on Monday, January 22nd, 2024 at 7:00pm, as a hybrid meeting.



The JPA General Budget for FY 2023/24 was presented based on the issues known as of June 2023.


Since that time, several events have occurred that required the SAM Board to proceed with certain projects which require funding.


A. Princeton Pump Station: At the September 25, 2023 Board meeting, the SAM Board authorized to contract with JMB Construction for the Princeton Pump Station Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $1,637,650.

The project has commenced, and the Contractor has many submittals approved. Construction is scheduled to start in February. Electrical items have been ordered and there is good progress on the project.


It is expected the project will be completed, as per the required ERF Consent Decree Latest Date, by June 30, 2024.


A budget of $1,263,181 was approved as a part of the General Budget in Fiscal Year 2022/23.

The total cost estimated for completing the project is $2,602,773. Details of which have been provided as attachment A. Balance required for Mid-Year Budget Adjustment for this project: $1,339,592.


B. Design of Montara Force Main: This is required to be completed by December 31, 2024, as per ERF Consent Decree Amendment dated August 2023.


This is a new CIP Project and predesign work was in progress at the time the budget preparation was done in June 2023. The predesign was completed and a final design proposal submitted by SRT Consultants is being taken to the Board as Item 4E for approval.

The following are the estimated costs for completing the final design of the entire Montara Force Main:

a) Design Services and Permitting Assistance: $448,100 (Item 4E of agenda )

b) Estimated Surveying Costs: $65,000

c) Estimated CEQA Costs: $170,000

d) Estimated Geo-Tech Costs: $100,000 Total Costs: $783,100


Balance required for Mid-Year Budget Adjustment for this project: $ 783,100.

Staff believes that any additional expenses can be funded by reprioritizing and deferring other tasks to reduce the burden on member agencies.

Therefore, total Mid-Year Budget Adjustment Required is $2,122,692.


Staff Recommendation

Staff recommends that the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to submit the MidYear Budget Amendment for FY 2023/24 to the member agencies and to request that this item be placed at the next regular meeting for each agency to consider and approve.



Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) Meetings ~ 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 7:00pm


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Contact Us

Our regular office hours are 7:00 a.m. through 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. The Authority can be reached 24-hours a day at:

(650) 726-0124


Our Address is:

Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside
1000 Cabrillo Hwy N.
Half Moon Bay,  CA  94019

(650) 726-7833 (fax)


The Sewer Authority Mid-Coastside (SAM) provides wastewater treatment services and contract collection maintenance services for a population of approximately 24,000 in the following areas:

  • City of Half Moon Bay
  • El Granada
  • Miramar
  • Montara
  • Moss Beach
  • Princeton by the Sea



SAM Directors

SAM is a joint powers authority (JPA) created by its three member agencies: City of Half Moon Bay (City), Granada Community Services District (GCSD), and the Montara Water and Sanitary District (MWSD).


The JPA is a separate, independent, public agency created by the member agencies to perform functions and share powers common to the member agencies. Those powers are outlined in a joint exercise of powers agreement (Agreement). The Agreement creating SAM can be found on the Documents page.


Each Agreement identifies how the independent agency will be governed. In the case of SAM, each member agency appoints two members from its governing board to represent it on the SAM Board of Directors, for a total of six directors.


The Agreement also establishes the weight of each director’s vote. The vote by each representatives from the City is given the weight of two votes. The vote by each representative from GCSD and MWSD is given the weight of one vote. The total number of possible votes is eight. A quorum is a minimum of five votes and resolutions require at least six votes to pass.


2024 SAM Directors

Board Secretary, Representing the Montara Water & Sanitary District
Chair, Representing the Granada Community Services District
Director, Representing the City of Half Moon Bay
Director, Representing the City of Half Moon Bay
Treasurer, Representing the Montara Water & Sanitary District
Director, Representing the Granada Community Services District



Author: mdrag
