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PRESS RELEASE and STAFF REPORT. From the San Mateo County Executive’s Office on May 7th, 2024.
Redwood City – A campaign to build safe and affordable housing for coastal farmworkers got a nearly $6 million boost today at the San mateo County Board of Supervisor’s meeting on May 7th, 2024.
San Mateo County supervisors voted 5-0 to allocate $5,999,360 towards buying and installing 47 manufactured homes for farmworkers and their families, including 19 households displaced after the Jan. 23, 2023, mass shooting. The homes will be located on five acres about a mile from downtown Half Moon Bay just south of Highway 1.
“Every family deserves a safe and healthy place to live,” said Supervisor Ray Mueller, whose District 3 encompasses the majority of the county’s farmland.
“We must absolutely create opportunities for farm workers to live in San Mateo County, as well as invest resources in stabilizing the agricultural economy that provides for farm working jobs.”
Supervisors awarded the building contract to Bigfoot Homes, based in Santa Cruz. Required permits for the project, including a coastal development permit and building permits, remain under review by the appropriate authorities.
“It’s a bright day in San Mateo County to see this project moving forward,” Mueller said at today’s Board meeting.
A County-commissioned report from 2016 found the need to “improve the quality, availability, and affordability of housing” for farmworkers. The issue received added urgency in the aftermath of the mass shooting that claimed the lives of seven farmworkers across two Half Moon Bay farms.
Since the shooting, the city of Half Moon Bay identified a city-owned parcel at 880 Stone Pine Road for farmworker housing. The County, along with the city and numerous partners, is working to create a new neighborhood for farmworkers and their families.
At least 28 units will be focused on ownership for farmworker households with assistance from California’s Joe Serna Jr Farmworker Housing Grant Program.
Manufactured homes provide the opportunity for lower initial construction costs and quicker construction with the added advantage of providing a pathway to homeownership to extremely low-income individuals and families.
San Mateo County has prepared a draft Concept Plan for the project responding to comments provided by community members over the last several months.
RFP for Design-Build Services
Design-Build Agreement
San Mateo County Staff Report
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Executive and Iliana Rodriguez, Assistant County Executive
Subject: Agreement with Bigfoot Homes, Inc. / Stone Pine Cove Farmworker Housing Project
Adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute an agreement with Bigfoot Homes, Inc. as the Design Build entity for the Stone Pine Cove Farmworker Housing Project, in the amount of $5,999,360; and
B) The County Executive Officer, or designee, to execute subsequent change orders from owners’ allowance that modifies the terms and conditions of the agreement and increasing the contract value by $250,000 in aggregate for a maximum not to exceed contract value of $6,249,360.
On January 3, 2023, a tragic shooting in Half Moon Bay claimed the lives of seven farmworkers across two farms. Subsequent inspections of farmworker housing at those sites revealed unsafe living conditions and 19 households were displaced after their units were red tagged. Since then, the County has partnered with the City of Half Moon Bay (“Half Moon Bay”) to temporarily re-house all 19 displaced households.
On January 6, 2023, the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”) released approximately $35,000,000 in funding to address the housing needs of farmworkers under the Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Homeownership Program (“Serna Program”). One eligible activity under the Serna Program is the acquisition of manufactured homes to address and remedy impacts from the displacement of farmworker families from labor camps, mobile home parks, or other housing.
On February 28, 2023, this Board authorized the County’s Department of Housing to execute and apply for a grant award of up to $5,000,000 under the Serna Program to purchase manufactured homes for low-income farmworkers and their families.
On June 1, 2023, the County was notified of the State’s conditional award of the full $5,000,000 under the Joe Serna Farmworker Housing Grant Program. These funds will go toward the purchase of manufactured homes and provide homeownership opportunities for low-income farmworker families in our community, including the 19 households displaced after the January 3, 2023, mass shooting event. The County worked with Half Moon Bay to identify and develop a potential site located at Stone Pine Cove that could house forty-five (45) to fifty (50) manufactured housing units for low-income farmworker households (the “Half Moon Bay Farmworker Housing Project”).
The current project management firm Capital Program Management, Inc. has been retained as the consultant project management firm managing the execution of this construction project for the County of San Mateo. On November 1, 2023, a formal Request for Qualifications was issued, and four (4) firms submitted their qualifications. After careful review, the four (4) firms were notified of their prequalification and invited to submit formal proposals.
On December 20, 2023, a Request for Proposal was issued to the four (4) firms and a non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting was conducted on January 10, 2024, with all firms in attendance. Proposer’s questions and request for clarifications were addressed by Addendums to the Request for Proposal.
On February 7, 2024, proposals were accepted from two (2) of the four (4) firms. One (1) other proposal was deemed non-responsive due to its late submission and another firm declined to submit. The proposals were received by the County and referred to CPM for evaluation and best value recommendation based on RFP evaluation criteria. The proposal of: Bigfoot Homes, Inc., 2460 17th Avenue, #1002, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 at $5,999,360 was identified as the best value proposal received for the work.
The project budget for the work is $5.5M to $6M. A summary of the proposals received is attached as EXHIBIT “A” to this memorandum.
The project has an Emergency Coastal Development Permit issued by the City of Half Moon Bay (“HMB”) and is currently under review of the regular Coastal Development Permit. The building permit for the improvements is under review with the HMB and the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development.
County Attorney has reviewed and approved the resolution as to form.
The Half Moon Bay Farmworker Housing Project has the potential to add forty-five (45) to fifty (50) affordable housing units.
Farmworkers, who contribute immensely to our agricultural industry, often face significant barriers to accessing quality housing, including low wages and lack of affordable housing options on the Coast.
To promote equity and justice in the housing sector, the County is committed to providing affordable farmworker housing that is safe, healthy, and inclusive, and designed with the needs of farmworkers in mind, including proximity to job sites, schools, and access to transportation.
The cost for this agreement is included in the County Executive’s Office FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget. There is no additional Net County Cost associated with this action.
City of HMB Stone Pine Cove Site Plan
More on 880 Stone Pine Cove Housing on Coastside Buzz
City Council of Half Moon Bay meets ~ 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm
2024 Election