San Mateo County Sheriffs and Caltrans Closely Monitor and Manage East Hwy 92 and Crystal Springs Sinkhole

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VIDEO. From the Half Moon Bay City Council Special meeting on Wednesday, January 4th 2023 at 2:30pm by Zoom.

San Mateo County Sheriff and Coastside Captain, Rebecca Albin, reports.


Thanks to Marcus Lodwick of Miramar via Nextdoor. And thanks to Moss Beach resident, Cid Young, for the heads up on such a great photo.






The other side of the sink hole. Thanks to Laura Neumann of Arleta Park, via Nextdoor. And thanks to Moss Beach resident, Cid Young, for the heads up on such a great photo.





City Council of Half Moon Bay Meets ~ 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm

HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links


HMB City Calendar

Watch streaming, or the Pacifica Coast TV video, that we will post. Stay tuned.
The meeting will be:

Members or the public are welcome to submit comments (in accordance with the three-minute per speaker limit) via email

to [email protected] prior to or during the meeting, via Facebook live during the meeting, and via two phone lines during the meeting – (650) 477-4963 (English) and (650) 445-3090 (Spanish).
The City Clerk will read all comments into the record.




  1. Deborah Penrose

    Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
  2. Joaquin Jimenez

    Vice Mayor
    Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
  3. Debbie Ruddock

    Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
  4. Robert Brownstone

    Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
  5. Harvey Rarback

    Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
Author: mdrag
