San Mateo County Sheriff Upgrades to Axon Taser 10 for Lower Voltage, Better Accuracy and Virtual Reality Training

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AGENDA and VIDEO. From the San Mateo County Supervisors meeting agenda for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023.


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Starts at 1:20:19

Agenda Item #10



To: Honorable Board of Supervisors

From: Christina Corpus, Sheriff

Subject: Amendment to agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc.



Adopt a resolution:

A) Waiving the request for proposal (RFP) process and authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc. (Agreement No. 30000-19-R076287) extending the term through March 14, 2029 increasing the amount by $12,221,976.89 and revising the scope of work; and


B) Authorizing the Sheriff or Sheriff’s designee to execute contract amendments and change orders which modify the County’s maximum fiscal obligation by not more than $25,000 (in aggregate) and/or modify the contract term and/or services so long as the modified term or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provisions.




In December 2018, this Board waived the request for proposal process and approved an agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc. (Resolution No. 076287) to provide body-worn cameras, in-car cameras, and a digital evidence management system, for the term of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2023 in an amount not to exceed $3,906,735.75. The agreement was subsequently amended to add unmanned aerial vehicles and associated software and increase the amount payable under the agreement by $20,700 to an amount not to exceed $3,927,435.75. In November 2023, the agreement was further amended to increase the amount payable under the agreement by $63,724.89 to an amount not to exceed $3,991,160.64.


In May 2020, the Board waived the request for proposal process and approved a second agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc. (Resolution No. 077386) to provide 310 Model 7 Tasers for the term of May 1, 2020 through June 30, 2025 in an amount not to exceed $922,110.83.


In June 2020, the Sheriff’s Office executed a third agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc. to provide interview room security systems, and other associated software and hardware, for the term of June 1, 2020 through May 30, 2025 in an amount not to exceed $63,399.07.


The Sheriff’s office is committed to utilizing the latest technology, especially less-lethal use of force alternatives, and associated training to increase public safety.  Axon’s solutions provide means to better protect Sheriff’s Office deputies and the public they serve.  Axon stands alone as an industry leader in offering the most robust and proprietary ecosystem of software to support their devices and the data collected from them.



The Sheriffs Office’s first Axon contract representing the purchase of body-worn cameras is due for contract extension.  As part of an effort to simplify its contractual relationship and take advantage of multi-product pricing savings, the Sheriff’s Office seeks to consolidate and extend the Taser and Interview Room contracts as it renews the Body Worn Camera Agreement.  The new agreement will expire in March 2029.


By bundling all solutions into Axon’s Premium Officer Safety 10 package, it will allow for significant discounts, refreshed hardware, added products and services and updated training through the next five years. This package also includes upgrading 350 Taser 7 devices to the new Taser 10 model which includes the following enhanced features:


• Individually targeted probes, one per deployment as opposed to two with Taser 7.  This provides deputies with the opportunity to de-escalate should compliance be gained without having to deploy a second probe.

• A significantly reduced voltage of approximately 1,000 volts, compared with the previous 50,000 volts with the TASER 7. Thus, reducing risk of injury to the suspect(s).

• Additional de-escalation features such as a 1,000-lumen pulsing light and loud audible warning feature to alert individuals of a pending deployment and provide opportunity to comply.

• Longer range of up to 45 feet, compared to just 25 feet for Taser 7.  This allows more opportunity for time and space to de-escalate and resolve conflicts.


The scope of hardware, software and services delivered include the following major components:

• Hardware and licensing for 590 AB3 body-worn cameras, including two hardware refreshes, one to the upcoming AB4 series.

• Replacement of 350 Taser 7s to 350 Taser 10 devices including all software and accessories

• Fleet 3 vehicle camera system

• 5 Axon interview room video recording packages

• Auto-Transcription and Redaction Services

• Video/Image Enhancement Solution

• Unlimited third-party cloud storage

• Axon Respond+ live stream services

• Hardware and licensing for up to 18 unmanned aerial vehicle systems (Drones)

• 23 Axon Virtual Reality headset Axon Community Engagement training modules


The County Attorney has reviewed and approved the resolution and amendment as to form.



The term of the amended agreement is for five years additional through March 14, 2029. The amendment increases the amount payable under the agreement by $12,221,976.89 to continue services for the next five years, to an amount not to exceed $16,213,137.53. The contract is funded by Net County Cost and is appropriated in the Sheriff’s Office FY 2023-24 Adopted Budget.




Author: mdrag
