San Mateo County Harbor District Gets Comprehensive Update on the Timing Complexites of the Pillar Point Harbor Dredge with Grant Hunting and Eel Grass Mitigation

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VIDEO. From the San Mateo County Harbor District Commissioners meeting on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 at 10:00am, as a hybrid meeting.

Harbor Chair, Bill Zemke, introduces the agenda item: “Surfers Beach Replenishment Pilot Project Update”.



Policy Implications

Consistent with the District’s goal to use excess sediment build-up from within the Harbor for beneficial re-use one Surfers Beach.



The goal of the Surfers Beach Restoration Pilot Project is to remove sediment which has built up inside the Pillar Point Harbor (PPH) outer breakwater and move it to Surfers Beach for beneficial re-use. In addition to addressing coastal erosion and public access issues at Surfers Beach, this project would also address the issues associated with the shoaling that has occurred inside of the Harbor since the outer breakwater was constructed. The anticipated outcome is that the project will address impaired public access/recreational impacts and damages from coastal storms.


The proposed project is located at Pillar Point Harbor and Surfers Beach in City of Half Moon Bay just south of the Harbor and west of the unincorporated community of El Granada. The proposed Project would involve dredging of up to 100,000 cubic yards of clean sand accumulated along the inside of Pillar Point Harbor’s East Breakwater and a one-time placement of that sand to form an elevated berm along an approximately 1,000-foot-long section of shoreline at Surfers Beach in Half Moon Bay.


The purpose of the project is to address erosion at Surfers Beach by restoring sandy beach area using clean sand dredged from navigable areas of Pillar Point Harbor, including the boat launch ramp. The project will also involve a large eelgrass mitigation effort, relocating eelgrass in the east basin prior to dredging and establishing a large eelgrass restoration area at the Harbor’s west basin.


This beach restoration project is designed to protect highly eroded portions of shoreline and Highway 1 and other coastal infrastructure. The project is expected to result in creation of beach habitat, restore coastal access, and safe navigation within the Harbor.


Summary of Project Updates

See the attached memo from consultant Damitz for a detailed project update. Some important highlights are below:

• The Project is being planned for a construction start date in late spring/early summer and is on track to meet that schedule.

• California Coastal Commission approved the Project at their September 06, 2023, hearing. Other permits are still under review but should be finalized soon.

• Permitting agencies have reached agreement on a final eelgrass mitigation concept for the Project. District consultants are currently revising the PPH Harborwide Eelgrass Mitigation and Management Plan to address these final changes.

• CEQA review and requirements have been met.

• Numerous planning tasks, coordination, and surveys are required prior to construction, these are listed in the Next Steps section of the attached memo.




More on the Harbor District on Coastside Buzz


San Mateo County Harbor District Board Meetings ~ 3rd Wednesday @ 10:00am.  (NEW TIME)


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Please note that email correspondence sent to or from Members of the Harbor Commission via the District’s website are considered public records and may be subject to disclosure and additional distribution pursuant to the Public Records Act and the Brown Act.

To email the entire Harbor Commission, click here.



Author: mdrag
