San Mateo County Executive Office Attends Midcoast Community Council to Clarify Chain of Command and Communication Coordination in order to Get Answers to Questions Faster

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CONSENT AGENDA and VIDEO. From the San Mateo County Supervisors meeting agenda for Tuesday, December 12th, 2023.

And from the Midcoast Community Council (MCC) meeting on Wednesday, December 13th, 2023 at 7:00pm, as a remote meting.



San Mateo County Supervisor’s meeting 12/12/2023

Adopt a resolution amending the Standing Rules for the County’s boards, commissions, committees, and councils to define the process for submitting a recommendation that the Board of Supervisors support or oppose pending legislation.


To: Honorable Board of Supervisors

From: President Dave Pine, District 1

Subject: Adding language to the Standing Rules for County Boards, Commissions, Committees and Councils



Adopt a resolution amending the Standing Rules for the County’s boards, commissions, committees, and councils to define the process for submitting a recommendation that the Board of Supervisors support or oppose pending legislation.




The Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution in March 1999 describing the standing rules for all County Boards, Commissions and Advisory Committees. These rules provide guidance on how the work of such boards, commissions, and advisory committees is conducted. The rules, created by a majority vote of the Board of Supervisors and remaining in force until repealed or annulled by a majority vote, have been restated and amended over the years, most recently with Resolution No. 069276 in February 2008.




In recent years, many of the County’s advisory boards, commissions, committees, and councils have become more actively engaged in policy matters.


However, only the Board of Supervisors has the authority to express the official views of the County of San Mateo on pending legislation, so the actions of boards, commissions and committees is advisory in nature.


The Board of Supervisors has not previously set forth a specific process for receiving the advice of its boards, commission and committees, and on matters of pending legislation there is a need to avoid communicating conflicting policy interests to the public and our legislative delegation.


Meanwhile, the County already has a legislative program that is adopted by approval of the Board of Supervisors, setting forth the County’s priorities with regard to new legislation. The actions of advisory bodies can be harmonized with the stated interests of the Board whenever possible.   Therefore, the County’s Intergovernmental and Public Affairs unit has developed a step-by-step guide to follow.


Adding the following language to the Standing Rules will help direct the County’s advisory boards, commissions, committees, and councils on how to make a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding pending legislation:


“To facilitate consistent and coordinated Board of Supervisors-approved support or opposition to any pending federal, state, and local legislation, budget proposal, or other policy on behalf of the County of San Mateo, all County Board and Commission members shall follow the San Mateo County Legislative Coordination and Advocacy Policy, which begins with presenting a request to the Intergovernmental and Public Affairs Unit in the County Executive’s Office.”








Author: mdrag
