San Mateo County Applies for $4M for the Connect the Coastside’s Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion and Safety Improvements Project Environmental Documents

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CONSENT AGENDA. From the San Mateo County Supervisor’s meeting on Tuesday, October 16th, 2023 at 9:00am as a hybrid meeting.


Adopt a resolution supporting the Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion and Safety Improvements Project and authorizing submittal of an application for the San Mateo County Transportation Authority’s 2023 Measure A and Measure W Highway Program Call for Projects and committing to the completion of the proposed project scope.


To: Honorable Board of Supervisors

From: Steve Monowitz, Community Development Director, Planning and Building Department

Subject: 2023 Highway Program Call for Projects grant application for the Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion and Safety Improvements Project



Adopt a resolution supporting the Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion and Safety Improvements Project and authorizing submittal of an application for the San Mateo County Transportation Authority’s 2023 Measure A and Measure W Highway Program Call for Projects and committing to the completion of the proposed project scope.




In 1980, the Board and the California Coastal Commission approved San Mateo County’s Local Coastal Program (LCP).  In April 1981, the County assumed responsibility for implementing the California Coastal Act in the unincorporated area of San Mateo County’s coastal zone, including issuance of coastal development permits.


Policy 1.23 of the County’s LCP provides in part that the County shall “limit the maximum number of new dwelling units built in the urban Midcoast to 40 units each calendar year until a comprehensive transportation management plan, as described in Policy 2.53, is incorporated into the Local Coastal Program.”  Local Coastal Program Policy 2.53 describes the required content of a comprehensive transportation management plan to address the cumulative traffic impacts of residential development on the San Mateo County Midcoast.  The County recently prepared the San Mateo County Midcoast Comprehensive Transportation Management Plan (CTMP or “Connect the Coastside”) as the comprehensive transportation management plan for the San Mateo County Midcoast to meet the requirements of LCP Policy 2.53 as well as other needs of County residents and visitors.  Connect the Coastside aims to address Midcoast mobility, to protect coastal resources and public access, and to improve the livability for Midcoast residents.  The Board adopted Connect the Coastside on July 26, 2022 by Resolution No. 079050.


Preparation of Connect the Coastside included engaging community members and agency stakeholders, such as Caltrans, to identify safety and operational improvements along State Route 1 (SR-1) in unincorporated Moss Beach.  Recommended improvements include but are not limited to:  intersection controls (signals, single-lane, or multilane roundabouts) at the intersections of SR-1 with 16th Street, California Avenue, and Cypress Avenue; marked pedestrian crosswalks; Class 1 bicycle and pedestrian path on east side of SR-1; and Class 2 bike lanes on SR-1 (collectively, the “Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion and Safety Improvements Project” or “Project”).


A Project Initiation Document (PID) is required to be developed and approved by Caltrans before any major or high complexity project can be programmed and constructed on the State Highway System.  On November 9, 2021, the Board adopted Resolution No. 078532 supporting the Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion and Safety Improvements Project, authorized a submittal of a funding application for San Mateo County Transportation Authority (TA) 2021 Measure A and Measure W Highway Program Call for Projects to develop a Project Study Report-Project Development Support (PSR-PDS) PID, and committed $125,000 in matching funds for the Project if awarded funds by the Transportation Authority.


Funding Source and Eligibility


In 1988, San Mateo County voters passed the original Measure A sales tax, which included funding for specific highway projects listed in the 1988 Transportation Expenditure Plan.  In 2004, the voters of San Mateo County reauthorized the Measure A Program and approved an extension of the existing half-cent transportation sales tax for 25 years from 2009 through 2033.  The 2004 Transportation Expenditure Plan provides that 27.5 % of the sales tax revenue be dedicated to the highway program, with 17.3 % committed to projects on state highways known as Key Congested Areas and 10.2 % for Supplemental Roadways for projects on highways and other roadways.


In 2018, the voters of San Mateo County approved Measure W, a new 30-year half-cent sales tax for transportation programs and projects that took effect July 1, 2019, and expires June 30, 2049.  The Measure W Congestion Relief Plan allocates 22.5 % of Measure W revenue to highway congestion improvements.


In 2021, the TA Board of Directors adopted the Short Range Highway Plan (SRHP) and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to support future investment decisions for the Measure A Highways and Measure W Countywide Highway Congestion categories.  The SRHP incorporates the Measure A goals along with the new Measure W core principles and is the policy foundation for making highway program investment decisions.


On July 5, 2023, the TA issued a Call for Projects for the Measure A and Measure W Highway Program funds.  The 2023 Highway Program Call for Projects is based on the guidance adopted in the SRHP and Capital Improvement Program.  Up to $100 million may be made available between both measures for projects that best meet the program evaluation criteria.  To be eligible for Highway Program funds, projects must be listed in the SRHP and CIP, or listed in the Measure A Transportation Expenditure Plan.



The County was awarded funding through the TA’s 2021 Measure A and Measure W Highway Program Call for Projects to develop the Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion and Safety Improvements Project’s PSR-PDS PID. The County is the Project sponsor, and the TA is acting as the Project implementing agency. The TA submitted a draft PSR-PDS PID to Caltrans for review on June 29, 2023. Caltrans is expected to approve the PSR-PDS PID in November 2023.  An approved PSR-PDS PID will allow the Project to move into the next phase of development, the Project Approval and Environmental Document (PAED) phase.  During the PAED phase, environmental studies are conducted to comply with state and federal laws (California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act), resulting in preparation and public circulation of required environmental documents. Once environmental documents are finalized, the Project can be formally approved by Caltrans, allowing it to move to the next phase of development-the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) phase.


Staff has prepared a funding application for consideration for the TA’s 2023 Measure A and Measure W Highway Program Call for Projects to fund the PAED phase of the Moss Beach SR-1 Congestion and Safety Improvements Project.  The proposed total project amount of $3,590,000 would fund:


• A consultant team to develop the project’s environmental documents, including required data collection and analysis, public process, and attachments; and


• Caltrans staff time for oversight.


The TA requires a minimum 10 % cash match of the total project cost for the grant ($359,000).  The Department will work with the County Executive Office to identify the source of the local match if and when the grant is awarded.  If awarded, the Project would facilitate implementation of Connect the Coastside and the Local Coastal Program.


A key eligibility requirement of the TA’s Highway Program is a resolution of local support for the Project.  Failure to adopt the resolution will make the County ineligible for the funds, if awarded by the Transportation Authority.


The County Attorney’s Office has reviewed and approved the resolution as to form.



The County will need to provide $359,000 in required matching funds if the County is awarded the requested $3,231,000 in funding through the 2023 Measure A and Measure W Highway Program Call for Projects.


Fact Sheet

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”20231017_att_C Moss Beach 2023 TA Grant Project Factsheet”]



San Mateo County Transportation Authority’s Moss Beach State Route 1 Congestion & Safety Improvements Project Offers 3 Alternatives for Lights, Roundabouts and Medians




Author: mdrag
