Pro Medical Cannabis Editorial from Local Senior ~ Jessica Hopkins

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Pro Medical Cannabis Editorial from Local Senior ~ Jessica Hopkins.

In the City of Half Moon Bay, 2 out of 3 citizens voted for the legalization of commercial cannabis in this state, yet the voice of prohibition is on the verge of trumping our collective voice. The legalization of medical use cannabis took place, in California, 22 years ago, in 1996. In the ensuing time, many Coastal citizens have taken to using medical cannabis to treat our pain and other ills, including deadly stress. Every day people are reducing their pill intake, by dosing with cannabis, especially amongst our senior community.  The current civic conversation to bring a well-regulated, legal, compassionate, cannabis infrastructure to our area is in danger of coming to an abrupt end because of a very small, but organized, “reefer madness” group promoting prohibition.

We are being asked to “cast our votes” again. The prohibition forces, small as their numbers are, have had enough impact that the city council will take the entire cannabis conversation off the table, unless they see more support for medical cannabis supporters at city council meetings (or submit your opinion digitally).

If you are as appalled as I, please consider attending a city council meeting, and stating your support of bringing a well-regulated, legal, medical cannabis market to the coast. State cannabis regulations are designed to protect the community. At this point, the small numbers fighting this should not weigh so heavily in a democracy that has voted with an overwhelmingly majority to approve commercial cannabis.You can find the city council online at

City council meetings take place every two weeks, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights, starting at 7 p.m., at the Ted Adcock center, off Kelly. The next meeting is April 3rd.

Please come and take a minute, or three, to let the city council know that you want them to listen to the will of the people. Keep it up until the council approves a comprehensive medical cannabis ordinance. If you are unable to attend a council meeting in person, please show your support by emailing council members and the city manager directly. This is a democracy, the will of the majority must be listened to!


Author: mdrag
