Local Artist Hightlight: Nancy Margulies

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Nancy Margulies pictureMontara resident Nancy Margulies is an artist and author known for her creativity and role as a community organizer. Until her retirement in 2012 Nancy’s career was in the realm of creativity and learning in the corporate world. During those years she was a presenter, keynote speaker and facilitator.

Since retiring she has written and performed two one-woman shows and published two books of short stories along with many other books, videos, and comics. The popular “Mapping Inner Space” has been translated into seven languages.

Today, Nancy is one of the leaders of community preparedness for Branch One of the Office of Emergency Services (OES), which includes the Coastside communities of Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, and Princeton Harbor.

Nancy Margulies one-woman show
Nancy Margulies one-woman show
Nancy Margulies mapping
Nancy Margulies mapping

CoastsiderRadio.com is pleased to highlight the work and art of Nancy Margulies. This page is a sampling of what can found on Nancy’s website, where drawing lessons, how-to videos for recording ideas using words and images, short stories read by the author, poetry, and visual art are available

Visit www.nancymargulies.com

Learn To Draw

In this series of lessons on drawing, adults and children can learn step by step how to create realistic portraits. Click the Playlist on the top left corner for more videos.

Maps, Mindscapes and More

In this instructional video Nancy teaches visual recording of ideas for a group of educators that include teachers, students, parents, and business people.

Visit Nancy’s YouTube Channel for more videos
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Illustrated Poems

Quantum Seuss
a fun poem that introduces the world of quantum events



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Yarn Art

Nancy teaches yarn art, a process originally developed by native Mexicans, know as the Huichols. These are samples of her work. More can be found on her website.


Nancy Margulies logo

Author: mdrag
