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PRESS RELEASE. From the City of Half Moon Bay on March 9th, 2023.
A mountain lion has been spotted in the Wavecrest / Poplar area. The City of Half Moon Bay and San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office met with the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) on Tuesday to discuss the situation. CDFG is aware of the mountain lion’s presence and is monitoring the situation along with the Sheriff’s Office. The City will be working with Coastside Land Trust, Peninsula Open Space Trust, and other property owners to post temporary warning signs in the area. Mountain lions, by nature are not aggressive to humans, but you should remain aware and vigilant.
If you do come into direct contact with a mountain lion:
- Do not run
- Make loud noises
- Pick up your children and/or pets
- Look lion in the eyes
- Contact 911 or CDFW Dispatch at 916-358-1303

Avistamiento de pumas en Half Moon Bay
Un puma ha sido visto en el área de Wavecrest / Poplar. La Ciudad de Half Moon Bay y la Oficina del Sheriff/Alguacil del Condado de San Mateo se reunieron con el Departamento de Caza y Pesca de California (CDFG) el martes para discutir la situación. CDFG está consciente de la presencia del puma y está monitoreando la situación junto con la Oficina del Alguacil/Sheriff. La ciudad trabajará con Coastside Land Trust, Peninsula Open Space Trust y otros propietarios para colocar señales de advertencia temporales en la zona. Los pumas, por naturaleza, no son agresivos con los humanos, pero usted debe permanecer atento y vigilante.
Si entra en contacto directo con un puma:
- No corra
- Haga ruidos fuertes
- Recoja a sus hijos y/o mascotas
- Mire al puma en los ojos
- PĂłngase en contacto con el 911 o con la central del CDFW en el 916-358-1303.
I hope someone is monitoring whether the frequent recorded sightings in the HMB area near Seacrest School are the same lion as the one seen in Arleta Park or if there are two of them out there hunting in residential neighborhoods.