Montara Water Approves the Big Wave Subdivision Agreement Phase 1

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MEETING AGENDA/ VIDEO. DISCUSSION: The County of San Mateo has approved the Coastal Development Permit (CDP) for the project known as “The Big Wave Community APN 047-311-060 and 047-312-040 PLN 2013-00451” in 2015.

(APN 047-311-060 refers to the project’s north parcel and 047-312-040 refers to the south parcel.)

The CDP was since amended twice, most recently in 2019.

The CDP as written and amended, requires Big Wave to obtain water service for domestic and fire protection from the District.

The Subdivision Agreement for Phase I includes improvements required to provide the Big Wave development on the north parcel with the fire service per the Fire District requirements. The improvements include a 12-inch-diameter water main extension from the District’s Alta Vista Zone to the Big Wave north parcel.

Other improvements required by the CDP and for the development of the project will be included at a future date in the Phase II agreement that would require a separate authorization by the MWSD Board.

The Applicant, Big Wave, has met all District Code requirements for this Phase I Subdivision Agreement, including the engineering review, and paid the fees required to be provided to the District prior to the Phase I agreement review by the Board.

Additionally, the General Manager has determined that, at this time, it is not feasible to serve the property with recycled water due to lack of availability and because on-site wells will be used for irrigation purposes. ~ per MSWD (Montara Sewer and Water District)

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Big Wave Agenda Item

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Montara Big Wave 9:12:19″]

MSWD Big Wave Video of 9/12/19 Meeting

Big Wave the Permit History thanks to Lisa Ketchum, MidCoast Community Council (until 2019)

Author: mdrag
