Montara Resident Gets CalTrans to “Commit” to Clearing Devil’s Slide Martini ByPass ROW by 9/2021

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Let’s not be part of CZU part 2.  Many of us in Moss Beach and Montara have had to perform significant brush and tree clearing to maintain our fire insurance policies.  However, Caltrans the owner, of the bypass property that runs through our neighborhoods is under no such obligation. So despite private property owners complying with local fire and insurance regulations, this State-owned property that does not meet current fire protection standards renders many of our efforts useless.   We want Caltrans to mitigate that risk now!  Some of us have spent hours and/or thousands of dollars to clear our property and keep our fire insurance.  However, we all know if the Caltrans Bypass property burns our much-loved homes will burn with it.  Director Toks Omishakin, you must act now!

From NextDoor

Positive Response from Caltrans on our petition RE: Devil’s Slide Bypass ROW.

Attached is a screenshot of correspondence I have had with Caltrans. The email I sent to them is in the right-hand column. The important words in the response from Caltrans are: “Situation Acknowledged. Will be addressed” and “Commit”. This is all the information I have at this point, but it is a good start. I plan on holding their feet to a lack of fire. Thanks to all who have signed the petition and feel free to use the ticket number provided in your own correspondence with Caltrans. Also please note that although I offered neighbor’s services in helping to clear the bypass no such permission has been granted, so for now please keep your chainsaws in their scabbards. PM me with any questions or concerns.

Positive Response from Caltrans on our petition RE: Devil’s Slide Bypass ROW.

Attached is a screenshot of correspondence I have had with Caltrans. The email I sent to them is in the right-hand column. The important words in the response from Caltrans are: “Situation Acknowledged. Will be addressed” and “Commit”. This is all the information I have at this point, but it is a good start. I plan on holding their feet to a lack of fire. Thanks to all who have signed the petition and feel free to use the ticket number provided in your own correspondence with Caltrans. Also please note that although I offered neighbor’s services in helping to clear the bypass no such permission has been granted, so for now please keep your chainsaws in their scabbards. PM me with any questions or concerns.

Shauna Pickett-Gordon

Thank you, Larry De Young. This is reassuring! Please keep letting us know what we can do to help.

30 Jun

Randy Miller

I wonder if cal trans still wants to sell the land. It’s all zoned residential. They took it eminent domain in the 70’s and can sell it. It’s not deeded into perpetuity as open space. It never was open space. Several community people have worked with cal tran in the past to find a way to keep it open and for the community. Have you talked to any of them? Cal trans does not want expensive up keep. They don’t even want that property. Be careful what you ask for on this. You may end up with cleared parcels and ranchettes. Or large homes. Or better low income homeless high density.(edited)


Cid Young

I fear I may have over-heard somewhere that the SMC Planning Dept. has since designated that as “affordable housing” but perhaps I was wrong. It makes more sense to have the County Designate it as a Linear Park for Recreation. Perhaps request that HORSLEY make it parkland.

5 days ago

Larry De Young

A portion of the bypass was indeed designated as an affordable housing zone by Governor Newsom. I am not loosing any sleep over that. I have just spoke to the Caltrans ROW property manager who has informed me that some level of clearing brush, debris and possibly sapplings will be done on the ROW by September. He also informed me that the State is in negotiations with the GGNRA to transfer the property to the GGNRA.

5 days ago

Michelle Dragony

I covered a story on the Martini ByPass in 2019. MWSD would love for it to be open space allowing rain to recharge the Alta Vista aquifer and watershed protection. If GGNRA could take it over there would be all sorts great trail opportunities.

1 day ago

Cid Young

The Caltrans bypass Right-of-Way has potential for a natural linear trail for recreation, and there have been cougar sightings as well as a great natural area for wild life, so I would hate to see it become affordable housing now.

1 day ago

Larry De Young

Cid Young I do not think anyone believes the ROW will become affordable housing. Newsom asked his staff to find surplus land and the ROW came up. It was a nice sounds bite at the time. Regarding cougars. The ROW goes through neighborhoods, including mine. If you would like a couple of big cats in your backyard feel free to come over and get them.

45 min ago

Dave Olson

Yes, GGRNA would be a great choice. So far they have turned it down 3 times over the past 8 years. Perhaps it will be different with the fairly new current Superintendent. I hope so. It required an act of Congress to transfer Rancho Corral to GGNRA (for money). If the Bypass transfer does not require purchase (and it shouldn’t), it’s possible that is purely Department of the Interior. I don’t know for sure, though.

17 hr ago

Author: mdrag
