Midcoast Community Council (MCC) Newsetter ~ Premier Issue Nov. 2020

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NEWSLETTER. Midcoast includes Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Princeton and Miramar.

MCC is an advisory committee to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. They are the Midcoast’s only political voice. Midcoast is 1.5% of the total population of San Mateo County.

The City of Half Moon Bay is a different jurisdiction whose borders end, generally, at Frenchmens Creek.


Midcoast Community Council Members 1991 – 2024

Gregg Dieguez:  11/2020   to   12/2024

Dan Haggerty:  11/2020   to   12/2024

Jill Grant:  11/2020   to   12/2024

Len Erickson:  11/2018   to   12/2022

Dave Olson:  11/2018   to   12/2022

Claire Toutant:  11/2018   to   12/2022

Michelle Weil:  11/2018   to   12/2022


Premier Issue, November 2020.

Midcoast Community Newsletter


A collaboration between San Mateo County and the Midcoast Community Council to support communication with the Midcoast Community.
Haga clic aquí para leer este boletín en Español.
What’s in this Edition:
  • Current Issues
  • Featured Topic: Transportation Planning
  • Welcome Message from Supervisor Don Horsley and the Midcoast Community Council
  • Communicate / Get Involved / Give Feedback


Current Midcoast Issues


The CZU Lightning Complex Fire burned over 86,000 acres and is now 100% contained. On September 9th, Supervisor Don Horsley and County Manager Mike Callagy hosted a virtual meeting update on the wildfires. In addition to an update on current status and the impact on CalFire, Kellyx Nelson, Director of the San Mateo Resource Conservation District (RCD) provided an update (video link) on pursuing resources for larger-scale fuel load reduction work on the Midcoast. Ms. Nelson and Sheena Sidhu, Conservation Programs Manager at RCD, also provided additional information at the MCC meeting on October 14th. In addition, the Board of Supervisors held a study session earlier that day to address Fuel Load Reduction and Weed Eradication.

Wildfires Links:

CalFire Resources


As COVID-19 continues to spread in the community, the response effort keeps moving forward with help from local partner organizations and guidelines set by the State of California.

  • The San Mateo County Immigrant Relief Fund provides financial assistance for residents who have been economically impacted by COVID-19 and are not eligible for state or federal assistance. Learn more about eligibility and pre-apply online here.
  • Click here to learn more about the Small Property Owner assistance program.
  • Learn more about how San Mateo County is responding to COVID-19, and click here for data updates from San Mateo County Health.

  • For information about COVID-19 testing, click here.

Coastal Trail Emergency Detour

The pedestrian bridge over Arroyo de en Medio in Miramar along the Half Moon Bay Coastal Trail was closed on Monday, July 27, 2020 and will remain closed for at least a year as it is replaced with a new bridge. The immediate closure was initiated by a re-assessment that deemed the bridge structurally unsound. The detour for this section of trail is along Highway 1, where k-rail barriers have been added to separate bicycle and pedestrian traffic from motor vehicle traffic.

Plans for a replacement bridge are in the works, and the proposal will be presented in more detail at the MCC meeting on December 9th, 2020. The MCC website has a detailed timeline of the history of the bridge, as well as current plans and correspondence.

Bicycle Pump Track in Quarry Park

Progress on the pump track for bicyclists in Quarry Park, a project planned for operation in early 2021, has been delayed by COVID-19 and wildfires. Community members who want to receive updates and participate in the design of the pump track can sign-up on the Quarry Park Pump Track Email List.

The MCC web page for Quarry Park has up-to-date pump track information.

Featured Topic: Transportation Planning

Connect the Coastside

Connect the Coastside (CTC) Transportation Plan is a County project required to by the 2012 Local Coastal Program update to provide a Comprehensive Transportation Management Plan (CTMP) and to provide a broad program to improve safety and mobility for Midcoast residents, businesses and visitors. First started in 2014, the CTC will extend the findings of the Highway 1 Safety and Mobility Studies (Phase 1 and Phase 2) completed in 2012.

Next Steps – SMC Planning Department

In January 2020, a public draft was released for review. Read the executive summary of the public working draft. After an extended period with surveys, public meetings and updates to the MCC, the SMC Planning Department provided a document (CTC Outreach Summary Report) reflecting the community input it received and framing next steps.  The document contains a six page summary and seven appendices.

slide overview presentation was made at the September 23, 2020, MCC meeting, discussing key items of the report and identifying next steps before CTC goes through final County review and is submitted to the California Coast Commission for certification.

For questions about this project, please contact: Joe LaClair, [email protected], 650-363-1865, or Katie Faulkner, [email protected], 650-363-1882

Next Steps – MCC

The MCC discussed Connect the Coastside at several meetings and held a public study session on July 29, 2020. Information background links were provided as input to the study session:

Additional documents for public comment were presented at the September 23 MCC meeting.

  • Itemized comments from the public at MCC Meeting Addressing Connect the Coastside

  • Comments in response the County’s Summarized Report on Outreach and Next Steps

For questions and further comments, contact Len Erickson, MCC Chair, [email protected]

Message from Supervisor Don Horsley

Thank you for your interest in the Summer edition of the Midcoast Newsletter. Through responses to the Midcoast Mobility Survey released earlier this ye

ar, we heard community interest in a newsletter to improve communication with Coastside groups and community members. We hope to generate an inclusive and informed dialogue, and we welcome your feedback. Click here to contact my office with any questions, comments, or ideas for future newsletters.

Thank you,
Don Horsley, Supervisor, District 3

Message from the Midcoast Community Council

Thank you for reading this newsletter that we’ve developed in collaboration with the County of San Mateo. One of the primary purposes of the MCC is to contribute to our Midcoast community’s awareness of local issues, and we hope you’ll learn something new from each edition. We also seek to serve as a voice of the community, so our hope is that it further opens up the lines of communication between you, the MCC, and our representatives at the county level. In this era of COVID, we unfortunately have to rely on digital means of communication, but we are here to represent you in our shared effort to preserve the small-town character of the Coastside. You can always reach the MCC Councilmembers via email here.

How to Get Involved

  • Attend a virtual Midcoast Community Council Meeting, scheduled on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month, or watch past meetings.
  • Attend or live stream a virtual San Mateo County Board of Supervisors Meeting.
  • Are you a resident on the Midcoast? Interested in design and architecture? Consider applying for an opening on the Coastside Design Review Committee at San Mateo County. See current vacancies here.
  • San Mateo County Parks:
  • The Draft Unincorporated San Mateo County Active Transportation Plan is ready! 🚲 👟 Visit https://walkbikesmc.org/ to view and learn more about the Draft Plan.
  • Let us know how we can improve this newsletter by providing feedback and ideas here.

Midcoast Community Council Website Midcoast Community Council Website
Don Horsley District 3 Website Don Horsley District 3 Website
San Mateo County Twitter San Mateo County Twitter
Midcoast Community Council Facebook Midcoast Community Council Facebook
San Mateo County Facebook San Mateo County Facebook

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Author: mdrag
