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VIDEO. From the Half Moon Bay City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 15th, 2022 at 7:00pm by Zoom.
Mayor, Debbie Ruddock, introduces Council member, Robert Brownstone to present.
Council member Brownstone’s appointment to the Planning Commission resigned, leaving an unscheduled vacancy.
A notice and call for applications were published and ran for four weeks. Five total applications were received, with three eligible (two were located outside of city limits).
Those applications are included as Attachment 1.
The appointee will complete the term of the appointment, concluding at the end of 2022 with Council member Brownstone’s term.
Planning Commission Members of the Planning Commission are appointed by and serve for a term coinciding with members of the City Council. Pursuant to Half Moon Bay Municipal Code Section 2.24.030, a person nominated for a Planning Commission appointment “shall be appointed to the commission upon receiving a majority of votes from the entire city council.”
If a Council member’s nomination is not approved, the nominating Council member is entitled to two more nominations. If, after this process, no nomination is approved, the floor will be open to additional nominations from all members of the Council.
Meet Your New City of Half Moon Bay Planning Commissioner, Margaret Gossett, Replacing Sara Polgar
How long have you lived in Half Moon Bay? 6 years, 10 mo.
Bachelors of Arts, Chemistry, Indiana University
Professional experience
QA Manager Compliance, Wesley-Jessen Contact Lens Company, Des Plaines, IL – 1994-1996 Managed diverse laboratory functions (staff of 50) such as testing all incoming raw materials, In-process materials, and finish product inspection. Conducted internal and external audits. Participated in a successful FDA inspection that did not result in a 483 distraction.
Research Chemist, Wesley-Jessen Contact Lens Company, Chicago, IL 1987-1994 Synthesized novel UV absorbers. Led technology transfer of a company acquired asset to an off-shore production site in Puerto Rico. Helped define a new manufacturing process to increase throughput in a new facility. Executed DOE plans to identify root causes of manufacturing problems and implement corrective actions. Optimized automated digital camera inspection system. Led cross-functional Vendor quality assurance initiative to minimize sole source risk in manufacturing. Eagle Award recipient.
Civic activities and community involvement
CERT – Co-leader, Alsace Lorraine, July 2019 – Present.
Docent, Ano Nuevo State Park Elephant Seal Rookery, Pescadero, CA – 2015-Present Enrich visitor’s experience by providing thought-provoking interpretation and teaching the importance of land conservation within our environment while safely hiking amongst many 2000 to 5000-pound elephant seals.
Environmental Commissioner, Mountain Lakes, NJ 2002- 2004, 2009 – 2014 Vice Chair 2011-2014 Convinced governing body to implement a wellhead protection ordinance to protect drinking water. Updated and published a Natural Resource Inventory electronically. Led an ANJEC awardwinning project for the installation of a riparian buffer on a public lakefront. Served as a liaison to the Woodland Committee with an eye towards the restoration of a retiring 600-acre woodland threatened by deer browsing, invasive plants, acid rain, and encroachment. Also served as liaison to the Lakes Management Committee to stop eutrophication.
Founding Trustee of Citizens for Health, Safety, and Welfare, Parsippany, NJ 2012-2015 Created a 501(c)3 non-profit to successfully oppose mixed-use development of a big box store adjacent to a residential community. Used a multi-faceted approach to convince the developer to reduce the size and scope of the project. President and Board Member of the Mountain lakes League of Women Voters, 2000-2014.
Participated as a board member to help increase voter participation within the community. Published observer corps, hosted candidate forums, and studied local issues to develop consensus positions to lobby local government. Served as President 2009-2011. Successfully ran a Running and Winning workshop at Mountain Lakes High School to teach young students how to work on a campaign. Led Pedestrian Safety Study Committee resulting in the implementation of solutions around a busy school district and in the community.
City Half Moon Bay Planning Commission Meeting ~ 2nd and 4th Tuesdays @ 7:00pm
Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.
CONTACT: Comments to the Commission and to Staff can be submitted by emailing [email protected].
City Council of Half Moon Bay Meets ~ 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm

HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links
HMB City Calendar
The New Now ~ Virtual Remote Public Agency Meetings
- streamed live on Comcast Channel 27 and Pacific Coast TV website
- the City’s website online (via Granicus)
- and on Facebook Live
- one in English (City of Half Moon Bay FB Page)
- one in Spanish (City of Half Moon Bay Recreation FB Page)
- Recorded by Pacific Coast TV (PCTV)
Members or the public are welcome to submit comments (in accordance with the three-minute per speaker limit) via email

The City Council of Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay City Council Subcommittees
- CSFA Grant Selection
- Education
- Emergency Preparedness
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Legislative Affairs
- Mobility
Half Moon Bay City Council Strategic Plan