Mayor Eisen Letter 6/19/2020: All Taste, No Waste; Poplar Stairs, CERT Health of the City

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LETTER. Dear Half Moon Bay Community ( Para ver esta carta en español, oprime aquí​) ,
Things continue to change, and I hope you are all doing well…as well as can be expected, that is. I know these last few weeks in particular have been even more trying, and are certainly taking an emotional toll on all of us. The more recent issues we’ve come face-to-face with around the systemic racial injustice in our country are difficult, but are a necessary and long-overdue wake-up call for America, and for our local communities.
A few weeks ago, someone said to me, “all lives matter.” I had to remind this person that their statement is actually dismissive and divisive, serving only to diminish the recognition of the level of violence, discrimination, and injustice that people of color in our country face every day, in one way or another. Way too many times with deadly consequences.
That’s why it’s important for me, and for people in our community, to say: Black Lives Matter. Period. Let’s put ourselves on the right side of history, right now, during what I hope will be a transformational time in our nation.

Sheriff’s Department Policies, Training and Procedures:

Yesterday the City posted some information on our website that I think you’ll want to read. The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office (which as you know provides law enforcement services under contract with the City) has provided two letters to the community from Sheriff Carlos Bolanos, as well as background documents and other information. It’s all about the various policies, training, and procedures that the Sheriff’s Office has in place, related to use of force, de-escalation, crisis intervention, and more. These materials also respond to the “#8Can’tWait” concept.
Please take a look at this link , become more informed, and let’s talk about this and more at tonight’s special Law Enforcement Study Session at 6 pm. See the end of this letter for video conferencing protocol for City Council Meetings.

COVID-19 Update:

Not a lot to report in terms of updates to shelter-in-place and relaxing of business and public activity. I do know that San Mateo County, after allowing for outdoor dining in the last health order (as other nearby counties have done) is now applying for a variance from the state for that level of reopening, in order to ensure we remain in alignment with the state’s processes and criteria.
Please take a look at the San Mateo County Health Department’s website for details on this and other elements of the health orders – and of course as soon as we learn of any substantive changes to the health order or other aspects of the shelter-in-place order, we will report them here.

Sustainability Update:

Although this particular item may be on a bit of a lighter note, make no mistake: sustainability is something that Half Moon Bay takes very seriously. It’s something we have to keep fighting for and keep making progress on, so that our children and the generations beyond will be able to enjoy the same beautiful world that we all do today.
In last week’s letter I mentioned that our City’s sustainability web site had some great ideas for helping families to fight food waste. Now, we’ve turned that concept into a contest: All Taste, No Waste!
This month, we challenge you to share with us YOUR creative ways to repurpose leftovers or food scraps that you might otherwise throw away or compost. There are many creative ways to breathe new life into items you already have in your kitchen. Did you know you can make delicious chips out of potato skins or pesto from carrot tops? Here is a chance to show off your culinary prowess and help others fight food waste. Looking for some inspiration? Check out our  Earth Year website  for some recipes to get you started.
Send your recipes to   [email protected]   before July 20 for your chance to win. Thanks to Republic Services, we’re able to give three winners $50 in Market Money to use at the Coastside Farmer’s Market! Anyone can participate but winners must live within Half Moon Bay city limits to be eligible to win a prize.

Poplar Beach Access Ribbon Cutting:

I’d also like to bring you some nice news about the ribbon cutting we held yesterday to commemorate the completion of the new ‘vertical’ access at Poplar Beach.
Repairing and improving this eroded, steep, difficult-to use access point at Poplar Beach has been a City and community priority. I estimate 15 people attended the brief ceremonial ribbon-cutting. I’m happy to report the ribbon-cutting went well with all of us following proper physical distancing. The other folks who watched from a bit of a distance on the bluff, and those people who were there already starting to use this access, also kept the appropriate distancing, and they were thrilled to be part of this small event.
I invite you to experience the new access for yourself!

Join the Conversation:

The City is considering a variety of Local Recovery and Relief strategies to maintain our local health, safety, quality of life, and economic/business vitality. Here is what some of our neighbors have said are important priorities to consider:
  • Preparing for a medical or catastrophic emergency
  • Keeping public places healthy, safe and clean
  • Maintaining the City’s financial stability during unstable times
  • Maintaining 911 sheriff emergency response times
  • Supporting local businesses
  • Keeping Half Moon Bay affordable for nurses, sheriff deputies, agricultural workers and others essential to our safety and economic recovery
  • Supporting families and residents through our local recovery
There is still time to provide your input— complete a survey online at .

Coastside CERT – Health of the City:

Join us on Wednesday June 17, 6:30 pm-7:30 pm, when Coastside CERT hosts a presentation by Bob Nisbet, Half Moon Bay City Manager, followed by questions and answers. To register, visit:…/register/WN_7fJZ1lkGQs2E4UCxPLULNQ .

Restaurant Re-Opening Webinar:

I would like to let our Half Moon Bay restaurant owners and operators know about this webinar which takes place on Wednesday.  It features best practices and perspectives on how restaurants can comply with, adapt to, and improve under the new requirements. During the webinar, staff from both San Mateo and Santa Clara counties will answer your questions about local regulations. Thanks to the Silicon Valley’s Small Business Development Center, SAMCEDA, and SVEDA for offering what sounds like a very valuable and useful webinar.
Wednesday, June 17, from 2 – 3:30 pm
To register go online here .

June 16, 2020 City Council meeting:

Tonight’s City Council meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. with the special Study Session on Law Enforcement, followed by our regular meeting at 7:00 p.m. In addition to the Study Session, we have several important items on the agenda including Adoption of the FY 20-21 Annual Budget, Revisions to Master Fee Schedule, and Purchase Financing for 880 Stone Pine Road. As “usual” special remote protocols will be in place:
·         Agendas and Zoom link
·         Facebook (English )
·         Facebook (Spanish )
·        Watch the meeting on Channel 27
Participants via Zoom can make live comments during the public comment portion of each agenda item. If you wish to comment on an item without participating via Zoom, please email your comment to [email protected] prior to the meeting, or prior to the close of the public comment period for that item. Comments received will be read aloud at the meeting. Please note that public comments will be limited to three minutes.
As always, feel free to email me with any comments or concerns. And be sure to stay informed by visiting the City’s COVID-19 Daily Updates webpage , and our Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , and Nextdoor feeds.
Author: mdrag
