Mavs Mafia ~ Getting Barreled on Mavericks Left

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Mavs Mafia Goofy Foot Luca Padua barreled on Mavericks Left.

Homegrown Mavericks Surfers

Luca Padua, Thomas Lundgard, Hunter Murison, Michael Joshua, Thomas Agramonte and Peter Lundgard.

Mavericks Surfers

Manny Resano, Jaime Mitchell, Kona Johnson

Mavericks Photographers

Frank Pompermayer
Todd Turner
Curt Meyers, Powerlines

Mavericks Boats

Cowboy Fishing
Huli Cat


Latest Episode

“This was our practice session for when the real day comes around. We’ve never been more ready, physically and mentally to put ourselves in this situation.” – Thomas Lundgard

Edited by @dompadua


@thomas_lundgard @lucapadua @huntray284

After countless hours and sessions studying The Left, the crew has been building confidence levels with one goal in mind: get really really really barreled.

Thomas, Luca, and Hunter brought the game to a new level during these last few swells, which went mostly undocumented besides these few clips we have to show.

Episode 1 of “A New Perspective” ~ released December 28th, 2019

Episode 2 ~ “A New Perspective” ~ released December 28, 2019

Episode 3 “A New Perspective” ~ released January 4th, 2020

Surf Sessions for January 1st and 2nd, 2020.



Mavericks: A New Perspective

Local filmmaker, Dom Padua, highlights up-and-coming crew of local Half Moon Bay chargers at Mav’s

Marcus Sanders

Marcus Sanders, Surfline.
Posted Dec 30th, 2019.

More Dom Padua Movies


Early Vid Nuggets From Dom When He Was 15

DRIFTER a Video by Dom Padua ~ Driftwood to Skateboard

Coastside kids are still analog.

Old Princeton Landing Foodie Video by Dom Padua

Home of the Mavericks Guns. Look up!

Dominic Padua, young local filmaker

Handplane construction and implementation. Check the lighting. DP hallmark. Gets the light right.



Dom Padua’s Website


Author: mdrag
