Large Animal Evac Group Drill ~ Have an Emergency Plan for your Horse

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ariDo you have an emergency evacuation plan for your live stock?

Nick Gottuso, our OES Coastside Emergency Coordinator, reports on the LAEG’s latest drill.

Contact the LAEG if you need help creating an evac plan for your loved ones.

Read this Report: LAEG Post-Exercise Review 8-20-16 (1)

Here is detailed information on the LAEG:

LAEG Member Requirements

LAEG meets every SECOND WEDNESDAY of the month at 6:30pm, at Station 40 Firehouse in HMB. We usually skip July and December months (for vacations and holidays)

Below is a quick rundown of our membership requirements, training opportunities and steps to join the group.

There is no need to have your own trailer (although that is a big plus).  We provide training workshops, and run drills, at least twice per year.

Jeans and proper boots are a must when working with the larger 4-legged types!

  • FEMA ICS (Incident Command System) certified – ICS 700 and ICS 100 required before joining
  • HAM Radio Certified – not required before joining, but mandatory after
  • CPR / First Aid certified – not required before joining, but mandatory after
  • Experienced equine / large animal handlers – not required before joining, but mandatory training provided regularly
  • Member of the SMCAlert System – not required before joining, but mandatory after
  • MUST attend one general meeting per quarter (4 per year)
  • MUST attend all training exercises and drills (we shoot for 3 per year)

Ongoing member training/workshops include (attendance at training exercises is mandatory):

  • Trailer maneuvering and loading
  • Trailer safety and maintenance
  • Large animal handling
  • CPR / First Aid training
  • Ham radio operation
  • Regularly scheduled activation drills and Table Top SOP training

Joining the group is a two phase process.

First, you must take the online FEMA courses:

IS-700.A: National Incident Management System (NIMS) An Introduction
IS-100.a Introduction to Incident Command System, I-100

The intro pages give you a quick overview of each course, what to expect and how long each course should take.  To start taking each course, you’ll want to go to the top right corner of the intro page in the “TAKE THIS COURSE” block, and click on “Interactive Web-based Course”.  At the end of each course, you take a test.  Once you pass, you’re issued a FEMA online certificate of completion (for each course), which you should save and keep on file.

As we are a county resource, the county dictates that ALL of our members must be ICS certified before they can be allowed to participate in any incident  –  hence the need to take these courses, before being able to join the group.

Second, once you have taken the courses, passed, and been issued certificates, you must fill out the attached member form as completely as you can (please fill out both sides/pages of form).  The form helps me know what your skill set includes, what your capabilities are, what type of equipment you have (truck/trailer) and what level of participation you prefer.

When both steps are complete, you can scan copies of your FEMA certificates and the Member Form back to me, or mail hard copies, whichever is easiest for you.

Once I have all your paperwork, I will add you to our contact list, and you’ll begin receiving all the meeting information and emails that I send out regularly. I’ll also provide further info on joining the SMCAlert system, aa well as HAM and CERT classes as they come up!

SMC LAEG Member Form 2016

Contact: Sharon Montoya Bretz <[email protected]>

or go to

Author: mdrag
