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KHMB PODCAST. What if the pool were rebuilt at the Cabrillo Unified School District office space?
KHMB Coastside Radio’s, Jim Henderson, interviews Eric Hager 11/21/19 in the KHMB Studios.

CUSD Superintendent, Sean McPhetridge, floated the idea of moving the pool to the district offices. This would allow the whole community to use the pool during school hours.
Have a listen.
Contact Eric Harger at [email protected]
KHMB Coastside Radio ~ Music Day and Night, Local News and Interviews
Welcome to KHMB Radio
Welcome to KHMB Radio – your hometown community radio station!
Over the airwaves at 100.9 fm & AM 1710 and over the internet, KHMB Radio serves all the neighborhoods of the Coastside with news, entertainment and information.
We offer a variety of programs designed to meet the wide range of interests of our listening audience. View our programming schedule here. Our current lineup includes:
- Coastside Carousel is a locally produced show featuring interviews and the music of our local singers and musicians. Kevy Nova is the host and invites your comments and suggestions here.
- Time Machine takes you back to a different year every week. Find out what was making news on the coastside and what music was popular. Cameron Palmer is your Time Machine operator.
- Keeping Pace With Your Health is a weekly program with a variety of guest hosts speaking on a wide range of health related news, tips and suggestions for keeping you healthy! Topic suggestions here.
- Pet Patrol is hosted by Christa Livingston, owner of Kibble ‘n Gifts Pet Shop. Christa is also a local pet sitter and has been taking care of animals on the coast for over 10 years. Her stories and information are always insightful.
- The Dr. Ghoul Radio Program is designed to entertain and we are passionate about telling a story over the radio that draws the listener into the story with an old-style technique.
- Feature Story of the Week People and events making a difference in our community.
- Coastal Windage The Coastside’s only live, call-in talk radio show, Coastal Windage features Coastside issues, hot topics, and live comments from Coastsiders in real time.
- Born to Win People around the world have come to appreciate Ronald L. Dart’s easy style, gift of clarity, and non-combative approach to explaining the Bible.
- Domingos en Español Spanish language radio programming every Sunday from 8 to 9 pm.