Hyatt Hotel Design Review at HMB Architectural Advisory Committee

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From Hyatt Hotel Design Review at HMB Architectural Advisory Committee; Thu July 16 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am

The 3/19/2020 meeting was cancelled due to Covid.


Agenda for 7/16/2020 meeting

More Project Documents.



CANCELLED: Hyatt Hotel Design Review at HMB Architectural Advisory Committee; Thu March 19 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am

Project Proposal for Hyatt

The City’s Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC) will hold a meeting on March 19, 2020 to review the proposed Hyatt Place project.
The meeting will be held at 8:30 am in Community Room B at the Half Moon Bay Library, located at 620 Correas Street.
The AAC’s focus is design review. The staff memo to the AAC is available at this link, as well as on the AAC agenda page. Project plans are available on the project web page. Project plan sets are also available for review at the City Library and at City Hall.
The proposed project involves a 129 room hotel with an associated conference center and related facilities on an approximately 5 acre site at 1191 Main Street (the south end of Main Street at Highway 1 and Higgins Canyon Road). Bicycle and pedestrian paths are proposed along the west side of the buildings and easterly of Highway 1.
The AAC’s comments will help inform the development of the project’s Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in areas related to design, aesthetics, and impacts to visual resources. The committee’s meeting format includes an applicant presentation followed by a collaborative working session among committee members. There will be time for public comment at the meeting. There will be ample opportunity for further public comments as the project review progresses through the upcoming Draft EIR stage and when the proposal is before the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Half Moon Bay Staff

Hyatt History

An application for a new Hyatt hotel has been under review with the City since 2016.

This private development proposal has not been approved, nor has the robust project and environmental review process that precedes consideration of approval been completed. This proposal involves only private property on land that is zoned Planned Development.

The applicant requests City consideration of discretionary actions including a Coastal Development Permit and site and design review. Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the proposed project is required.

As part of the process, the Half Moon Bay Planning Commission must consider community input, review the entire project record including plans and studies, and act to approve or deny the project.

Due to the project’s location, final City decisions on this proposal may be appealed to the California Coastal Commission. At various phases of this process there have been and will continue to be opportunities for community discussion and input. A project must complete all elements of this process in order to be considered for final approval.

This comprehensive process helps ensure that a project is consistent with the California Coastal Act, City policies and objectives, is in line with the community’s values, principles, and standards, and takes into consideration environmental protection and support.


Here is a brief overview of the project (updated October 2019)

The Proposed Hyatt Place Planning Submittal:

Project Location: 1191 Main Street, north of the intersection of Highway 1 and Main Street, south of the James Ford Auto Dealership (see map below)


Description (preliminary/approximate):

5 acre site

129 hotel rooms, approximately 90,500 square feet in three stories

Conference meeting space of up to 2,700 square feet

Up to 146 parking spaces

Bicycle & pedestrian paths

Status and Next Steps:

2017: The applicant has been developing the proposal for the hotel project for more than two years. An environmental consultant was hired in April 2017, and preparation of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is underway, at the applicant’s expense. A biological resources report evaluation was prepared and circulated to regulatory agencies for comment in fall 2017.

2018: A Notice of Preparation (NOP) was circulated from March 22 – April 20, 2018, and a Planning Commission Study Session was held on March 27, 2018 to gather input on what issues should be addressed in the EIR. A further study session, on the project design, was held by the Planning Commission on October 9, 2018 to gather input and to provide further comments.

2019: Refined project plans were submitted to the City January 29, 2019.  This included a reduction in the number of guest rooms, reduced overall square footage and parking as well as moving the proposed buildings outside of a 100 foot wetlands buffer.  Preparation is underway for circulation of a draft EIR for public comment in the near future.

2020: Revised site and elevation plans were submitted to the City January 2020 by the applicant.

If you have any questions, please contact Art Henriques at the City of Half Moon Bay Community Development Department, 501 Main Street, or at [email protected] or (650) 726-8270.

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The Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC) is a three-member committee. The AAC was formed to assist the City Council, Planning Commission, and City staff with design review of public projects and certain private development proposals. The AAC is advisory and will be involved in early review of projects before they advance to the Planning Commission or Community Development Director for public hearings. The AAC will primarily consider mixed-use, multi-family, and non-residential proposals as well as City projects such as streetscapes and new facilities. The AAC may also have the opportunity to provide input on design guidelines and aesthetic and design-related elements of various types of plans.

The AAC meets the third Thursday of every month at 8:30 AM at the Ted Adcock Community Center, South Dayroom (535 Kelly Avenue) and other advertised times as needed. The AAC consists of three members with professional experience in design and/or construction. The current AAC members include the following:

  • Chad Hooker
  • Linda Poncini
  • Steve Kikuchi

The agendas for the AAC are as follows:


AAC Agenda Packet – 3.19.202 @ 8:30 AM Note: this meeting will be held at the Half Moon Bay Library Community Room B, 620 Correas Street.

AAC Agenda Packet – 1.16.2020 @ 8:30AM


AAC Agenda Packet – 12.13.2019 @ 8:30AM

AAC Agenda Packet – 11.21.2019 @8:30AM

AAC Agenda Packet – 10.17.2019 @ 8:30AM

For additional information, please contact the AAC staff liaison:

AAC Staff Liaison:

Scott Phillips
Associate Planner
[email protected] 
Phone: 650-726-8299

Author: mdrag
