Hwy 92 CalTrans Update from MCC’s Gus Mattammal: Rain Pushing Repair Completion Back to September 2023; Soil Borings Started

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POST. From CivicBell on Monday, May, 8th 2023.


“I serve on the San Mateo County Transportation Authority Citizen’s Advisory Council, and at our last meeting I asked for an update from CalTrans about when the 92 would finally be fully open and operational.

They gave a helpful and detailed response, which I am including below. The tl:dr is that the repeated periods of wet weather are causing additional damage and delays, so right now we’re looking at about September.  But their full response is interesting, so I’d suggest reading it!”



The CalTrans response:

“Last week, due to the hot weather, we begin to experience some pavement settlement on the area of the sinkhole.  We experienced approx 3/8”-1/2” of settlement.  Minor stress cracks developed during this time.  The contractor was concerned that this was unsafe for the workers below.  [NOTE: see the first 2 pics]

When that happened, the Geologist got involved and we decided to perform 3 soil boring to see what was happening below.  [NOTE: see the 3rd and 4th pics]

If everything goes well, it will show that it is safe for the workers to resume work.

The target is to have some slope repair done in the next 3 weeks.  Then install the 36” 250’ long jack and bore pipe.  And follow up with more grading work.  This should take us till the end of June.  Then flopping traffic and installing pipe piles on the Eastbound direction at night; this will take another 3 weeks.  We still have multiple other slip outs and hill side slides that we need to fix.  5 locations total.

We are targeting to have all the work complete by the end of fall, Sept 2023.   The one thing that will impact us is the weather.  Every time rain comes in, the material gets wet and then we have to wait for it to dry out.














MCC Agendas, Videos and Lots and Lots of Documents!

Thanks to exMCC’s Lisa Ketcham (now on the San Mateo County Planning Commission) for an incredibly well curated website archive on local planning issues.


Link to MCC Virtual Meetings


Scott Bollinger and Gus Mattammal participated remotely.



Midcoast Community Council Website

Midcoast Community Council (MCC) is an elected Municipal Advisory Council to the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, representing Montara, Moss Beach, El Granada, Princeton, and Miramar.

Regular MCC meetings are on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at Granada Community Services District (GCSD) meeting room, 504 Ave Alhambra, third floor, El Granada. 
All MCC meetings are open to the public, and are agendized and posted according to the requirements of the Brown Act.

Agenda item supporting documents are available 72 hours in advance of meetings on http://www.MidcoastCommunityCouncil.org.

Minutes from previous meetings on http://www.midcoastcommunitycouncil.org/2017-2018/

To subscribe to MCC agendas via email, send email to [email protected]


Midcoast Community Councilmembers

MCC[email protected]
P.O. Box 248, Moss Beach, CA 94038
Subscribe to agendas via email: Google Group-MCC-Agendas.


Gregg Dieguez, Chair – Term Ends: Dec. 2024
Phone: 650-544-0714
Email: [email protected]


Claire Toutant, Vice Chair – Term Ends: Dec. 2026
Phone: 650-676-5847‬
Email: [email protected]


Scott Bollinger, Secretary – Term Ends: Dec 2026
Phone: 650-773-4425
Email: [email protected]


Dan Haggerty, Treasurer – Term Ends: Dec. 2024
Phone: 650-212-6026
Email : [email protected]


Gus Mattammal, Member – Term Ends: Dec 2026
Phone: 650-451-5335
Email: [email protected]


Vacancy for term ending 2026
Vacancy for term ending 2024

Author: mdrag
