HMB Planning Study Session on Half Moon Bay’s Recently Adopted Building Electrification Ordinance and the Electric Vehicle (EV) and Photovoltaic (PV) System Reach Code

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VIDEO. From the City of Half Moon Bay Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, June 14th, 2022 at 7:00pm by Zoom.



Complete Agenda Report for 6/14/2022

The State legislature and Governor(s) have created legislation, rules, and executive orders to create a framework for ambitious statewide greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions. The following is a list of some of the more prominent guiding policy documents:


• Senate Bill 32 (SB 32) – established the goal of reducing GHG emissions 40% below 1990 levels by 2030

• Executive Order (EO) B-55-18 – established the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2045 at the latest and maintaining net negative emissions from that point forward

• Senate Bill 100 (SB 100) – requires a 100% clean electric grid by 2045


The City is currently in the process of preparing its first Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP). This plan will provide an inventory of emissions, estimates of future unmitigated emissions, and policies/implementation measures to reduce GHG into the future. Notably, as of 2017, energy and transportation represent the greatest amount of GHG emissions in Half Moon Bay. Approximately 49% of all GHG emissions are from energy (80% of these emissions from Natural Gas/Propane use in buildings) and 44% of all GHG emissions are from transportation. The City is in the process of updating its GHG emission inventory and should have an updated inventory categorizing 2019 emissions later this summer. The Planning Commission held a study session on the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan in January 2021 as that effort was getting underway.


In 2016, San Mateo County and all 20 of its cities and towns voted unanimously to form Peninsula Clean Energy (PCE), a community-controlled, not-for-profit, joint powers agency. The formation of PCE has provided the City with a cheaper and convenient way to move away from fossil fuel powered electricity. As of January 2021, PCE is able to provide GHG-free energy to all customers through wind, solar, geothermal, and hydropower sources. PCE’s ability to provide clean energy to all customers has led many jurisdictions within their service area to adopt measures to increase energy efficiency and reduce reliance on natural gas and other fossil fuels, such as via “reach” codes. 1 With this cleaner electricity generation, the replacement of natural gas and propane appliances with electric alternatives has the potential to significantly reduce building energy related GHG emissions.


After extensive public outreach and participation, the City Council adopted the EV/PV Reach Code on December 21, 2021 and the Building Electrification Ordinance on February 15, 2022. The Building Electrification Ordinance became effective on March 17, 2022. The EV/PV Reach Code must receive California Energy Commission (CEC) approval before it can become effective. At the time of this staff report, the CEC has not yet provided a date where the Ordinance may be considered for approval. The provisions of the EV/PV Reach Code will be included within the updated 2022 Building Code to be adopted in late 2022.


[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”STAFF_REPORT (13)”]


HMB Building Electrification Ordinance

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”ATTACHMENT_1_–_Building_Electrification_Ordinance”]


HMB Electric Vehicle (EV)/Photovoltaic (PV) Reach Code

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”ATTACHMENT_2_–_EVPV_Reach_Code”]



City Half Moon Bay Planning Commission Meeting ~ 2nd and 4th Tuesdays @ 7:00pm

Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.


CONTACT: Comments to the Commission and to Staffcan be submitted by emailing [email protected].


HMB Planning Commission Agendas and Zoom Links

HMB Planning Commission Videos


The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new development is consistent with our Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, long-range General Plan and Local Coastal Plan, State laws and other public policies that advance the interests of our community.



  • David Gorn, Chair
  • Rick Hernandez, Vice Chair
  • Margaret Gossett
  • James Benjamin
  • Steve Ruddock


Planning Commission meetings are held at 7 pm every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, remotely via Zoom.

View agendas and minutes here.

To communicate with members of the Planning Commission, please use the staff contact information to the right.


Jill Ekas

Community Development Director


Bridget Jett

Consultant – Planning Analyst

City Council of Half Moon Bay Meets ~ 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm

HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links


HMB City Calendar

The New Now ~ Virtual Remote Public Agency Meetings

Watch streaming, or the Pacifica Coast TV video, that we will post. Stay tuned!
The meeting will be held at the Adcock Community Center for any members of the public who wish to speak in person, though we do encourage all members to participate remotely.
The meeting will be:

Members or the public are welcome to submit comments (in accordance with the three-minute per speaker limit) via email

to [email protected] prior to or during the meeting, via Facebook live during the meeting, and via two phone lines during the meeting – (650) 477-4963 (English) and (650) 445-3090 (Spanish).
The City Clerk will read all comments into the record.



      1. Debbie Ruddock

        Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
      2. Deborah Penrose

        Vice Mayor
        Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
      3. Robert Brownstone

        Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
      4. Joaquin Jimenez

        Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)
      5. Harvey Rarback

        Phone: 650-726-8250 (leave message with Clerk’s office)


Author: mdrag
