HMB Planning Approves Pilarcitos Bridge at Hwy 1 Scour Project but asks Caltrans to Consider 2023 Storms, Sewer Plant Flooding and Pilarcitos Dam 

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VIDEO. From the Half Moon Bay Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 at 7:00pm, as a hybrid meeting.

Chair, Margaret Gossett, introduces the agenda item. HMB Senior Planner, Doug Garrison, presents.



Pilarcitos Creek Bridge Structure and Scour Project (full adgenda)



Approve the Coastal Development Permit allowing Caltrans to mitigate bridge scour by placing partially grouted rock slope protection (RSP) around structural bridge elements and address fish passage concerns by reconfiguring the streambed and installing flow training structures.



Caltrans is seeking a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) to mitigate bridge scour for the Highway 1 crossings of Pilarcitos Creek. The project includes placing partially grouted rock slope protection (PGRSP) around structural elements of the bridge and addressing fish passage concerns by reconfiguring the streambed and installing flow training structures. Work will require the temporary diversion of the creek during construction to facilitate removing existing material around bridge piers and replacing the sediment with PGRSP. The soil slope between the north creek bank and the north bridge abutments will be replaced with PGRSP. The existing Class I shared-used path (the Naomi Partridge Trail) that runs below the bridges on the north side of Pilarcitos Creek will be removed during construction and will be rebuilt by Caltrans. The public trail will be temporarily rerouted during construction. Access to the work site will be from a single point on the shoulder of the separated right turn lane to Highway 92 on the northeast corner of Highways 1 and 92. A more detailed description of the proposed work is provided in the project plans included in CDP Application Supplemental Information submitted by Caltrans.



Based on the above analysis, staff concludes that the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan, the Local Coastal Program, and the Zoning Code. Staff recommends approval of the project based on the recommended findings and conditions of approval contained in Exhibits A and B of the proposed Resolution. Additionally, staff has evaluated potential offsite riparian mitigation sites and our preference is for the Pilarcitos Creek location.



Watch remotely. Comments and questions by email.

CONTACT: Comments to the Commission and to Staffcan be submitted by emailing [email protected].


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HMB Planning Commission Videos


The Planning Commission consists of citizen volunteers appointed by the City Council to make decisions or advise the Council on land use and property development issues. The Commission assures that new development is consistent with our Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance, long-range General Plan and Local Coastal Plan, State laws and other public policies that advance the interests of our community.



Rick Hernandez, Chair

Margaret Gossett, Vice Chair

David Gorn

Hazel Joanes

Steve Ruddock


Planning Commission meetings are held at 7 pm every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, at the Emergency Operations Center (EOC), 537 Kelly Avenue.

View agendas and minutes here.

To communicate with members of the Planning Commission, please use the staff contact information to the right.


Jill Ekas

Community Development Director


Bridget Jett

Consultant – Planning Analyst


Author: mdrag


One thought on “HMB Planning Approves Pilarcitos Bridge at Hwy 1 Scour Project but asks Caltrans to Consider 2023 Storms, Sewer Plant Flooding and Pilarcitos Dam 

  1. oh my, does that mean the homeless will actually have to leave the bridge and stay in the taxpayer funded homeless hotel (aka Horsley hospitality suites)?

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