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VIDEO. From the City of Half Moon Bay City Council’s Annual Special Priority Setting workshop on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022 at 7:00pm by Zoom.
Mayor, Debbie Ruddock, answers Council member, Harvey Rarbach’s raised hand.
City of Half Moon Bay Starts Application Process to Gain “Age Friendly Community” Designation
In September, the City of Half Moon Bay will be starting the process of applying for Age Friendly Community designation for our Coastside community.
The World Health Organization (WHO) founded the Age-Friendly Network in 2005 and today there are over 1,000 cities worldwide.
- outdoor spaces and buildings
- transportation
- communication and information
- civic participation and employment
- respect and social inclusion
- community support/health services
social participation
This framework can be used by local leaders and residents to assess the needs of older adults. Once identified, these needs can be organized, prioritized, and incorporated into a clear action plan to make communities more livable for both older residents and people of all ages. This is an on-going process that in the first 5 years includes planning and piloting Age Friendly Community inaugural projects (years 1-2), creating an action plan focused on sustainability (year 2), implementation (years 3-5), and progress evaluation (end of year 5).
I look forward to hearing YOUR input regarding how our Coastside region can be a more Age Friendly community. Email, call or visit me in person to discuss your ideas.
Our Coastside community Age Friendly plan will be submitted to AARP in October – so don’t delay!
Contact Sandi Winter with your feedback!
[email protected]
SEE THE LISTS: Cities, Towns and Counties | States and Territories
USE THE MAP: Go to the interactive AARP Livable Communities Map
City Council of Half Moon Bay Meets ~ 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7:00pm

HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links
HMB City Calendar
The New Now ~ Virtual Remote Public Agency Meetings
- streamed live on Comcast Channel 27 and Pacific Coast TV website
- the City’s website online (via Granicus)
- and on Facebook Live
- one in English (City of Half Moon Bay FB Page)
- one in Spanish (City of Half Moon Bay Recreation FB Page)
- Recorded by Pacific Coast TV (PCTV)
Members or the public are welcome to submit comments (in accordance with the three-minute per speaker limit) via email

HMB City Council Agendas and Zoom Links
HMB City Calendar
Leave messages with the Clerk’s Department at 650-726-8250
The City Council of Half Moon Bay
Half Moon Bay City Council Subcommittees
- CSFA Grant Selection
- Education
- Emergency Preparedness
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Legislative Affairs
- Mobility
Half Moon Bay City Council Strategic Plan