WILLING TO SERVE? I served for 4 years. Our group finished the City of Half Moon Bay’s Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan, and now the City is looking for new people for the next stage of the Master Plan, implementation. Meet by Zoom on odd months.

The City of Half Moon Bay is accepting Willing to Serve Forms from individuals interested in serving on its Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee as a representative. The City is looking for the following:
- Two (2) walking enthusiasts
- One (1) commuter cyclist
- One (1) recreational cyclist
- One (1) senior representative
- One (1) youth representative (must age 17 or younger)
- One (1) representative of the Cabrillo Unified School District appointed by the district
“Willing to Serve Form” by May 10, 2021

The Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) consists of 10 appointed members who advise the City Council, Planning Commission, and Parks and Recreation Commission regarding development, maintenance, and implementation of the City’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan and Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guidelines. As part of implementation of the City’s General Plan Complete Streets Policy, BPAC provides advice about circulation system improvements and programs to encourage cycling and walking as a means of transportation and recreation.
The members of this committee, appointed by the City Council, the Planning Commission, and the Parks & Recreation Commission, represent the diversity of perspectives in the community that is necessary for full representation, including one each of a walking enthusiast, a commute-dependent cyclist, a recreational cyclist, an avid cyclist, an at‐large community member, a senior representative, a youth representative, a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission, a member of the Planning Commission, and a representative of the Cabrillo Unified School District (appointed by the District).
Administrative Assistant
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of odd-numbered months, with a few exceptions. Click here for the 2021 BPAC meeting calendar.
Members as of 2021
Elizabeth Brown
Michelle Dragony
Paulette Eisen
Adrienne Etherton (Vice Chair)
Carlene Foldenauer (Cabrillo Unified School District Representative)
Paul Gater
David Gorn (Planning Commission)
Anna McMillan (Youth Representative)
Bill Murray
Mario Rendon (Chair)