Heritage Main Street Urgency Ordinance Approved After First Reading

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• Active Ground-Floor Dependent Uses: Eating and/or drinking establishments, retail, galleries, salons, banks with teller services, lodging. Parking lots associated with these uses are counted as part of the active use.

• Inactive Ground-Floor Uses: Professional offices (e.g. law, real estate, insurance, travel agency, etc.), medical offices, and vacant buildings or sites. Parking lots associated with these uses are counted as part of the use that is inactive or vacant.

Heritage Street Staff, Council and Public comment.

Buildings on Main Street that do not meet the new Heritage rules will become legal and non-conforming (grandfathered), and eventually phased out through attrition.

Urgency Ordinances are used during the long land use planning process as a narrow action to give time to study an issue that may be in conflict with the current LUP planning process.

Historically, urgency ordinances have been use to manage the changing policies of short term rentals, set backs, ADUs (accessory dwelling units) and prohibiting Charter Schools.

City Council Reorganization Ceremony
Join the City of Half Moon Bay for the reorganization of the City Council and selection of the Mayor and Vice Mayor. The City will be hosting a reception after the ceremony, please join us for light refreshments!
The agenda for the regularly scheduled council meeting will be posted on Friday, December 13 at www.hmbcity.com/citycouncilagendas.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.coastsidebuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Council-agenda-121719.pdf” title=”Council agenda 12:17:19″]

Mayor Harvey Rarback to Mayor Adam Eisen.

City of HMB City Council Special Meeting Agenda 12/5/19

[pdf-embedder url=”https://www.coastsidebuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/City-council-agenda-12519.pdf” title=”City council agenda 12:5:19″]

First Reading of Heritage Urgency Ordinance.

Author: mdrag
